1. Jasmine.G says

    XD I looked at my brothers 5th grade year book because he's in i think 10 or 9th maybe 9th but i looked at him and thought "NO WAY THATS NOT HIM……is it -_-"

  2. Ella Mel says

    Winnii looked so cute playing in the snow!❤️

    Winnii reminds me of one of my dogs. She HATES the snow, she was born in Georgia and I live in Plymouth Massachusetts, so the cold isn’t something she’s used to. Even though she’s lived with my family for years.

  3. Toastymarshmellow 1 says

    He looks like meet the robinsons kid

  4. Astro Dragonfire says

    Love this video. You two look great.

  5. Isis Siu says

    OMG I LOVE cheese sauce too😁😁

  6. Râinnbøw łps LPS says


  7. Lexi Wimmer says

    tRiaL bY c0mbaT

  8. Nina Trawick says

    So cute jessii! 😊💕💙😂

  9. lidia Hernández says

    you should get dog diapers

  10. LOVE IT

  11. Katie Haines says

    Awww ☺️

  12. Fun Vlogz says

    U guys deserve 1million

  13. PøtätøÑėrd :3 says

    Lol Tye you look like Billy Idol xD Beautiful <3

  14. Fatima’s Universe says

    Puberty has us shook.

    Y’all are too cute.

  15. rangus41 says

    is Tye older then Bear

  16. Cate The Great says

    Oh my goodness! Can I have some of that snow😂

  17. Moraes Chief Calf says

    Jessii tonight we are ganna expos are selves

    Tye that sounds soooo wrong 😂

  18. JacVsEvie says

    My bro and his wife have pictures of them at the same party in height school and knew the same girl but never met till he got a job where she works

  19. martinco4 says

    Those 8 people who put a thumbs don’t know what their doing with their life😂

  20. Embrace the tea sis says

    The intro is just a whole bunch and of “AWWW THATS SUCH A CUTE FAMILY “

  21. Catie May says
  22. Abigael W says

    This should be renamed ty and Jess vlogs ❤️❤️

  23. Abigail Hutchinson says

    Lol loved the bob report

  24. Aesthetic R says

    OMG! aim so late! I didn’t get the notification! BUT YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!!! The Yearbook is just 👌

  25. ASMR _QUEEN says


  26. Miya Unangst says

    ……….. I weigh 50 pounds…… I'm… 10…………

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