Exposing Our High School Yearbook Photos
In today’s vlog we decide to take a cringey trip down memory lane as we show you our high school yearbook!
Jessii Social Media:
Instagram: @Jessiivee
Twitter: @JessiiVee
Snapchat: jessiiveesnaps
Tye Social Media:
Twitter: @Tyeranical
Jessii Vee
Brampton, Ontario
L6Z 0E7
XD I looked at my brothers 5th grade year book because he's in i think 10 or 9th maybe 9th but i looked at him and thought "NO WAY THATS NOT HIM……is it -_-"
Winnii looked so cute playing in the snow!
Winnii reminds me of one of my dogs. She HATES the snow, she was born in Georgia and I live in Plymouth Massachusetts, so the cold isn’t something she’s used to. Even though she’s lived with my family for years.
He looks like meet the robinsons kid
Love this video. You two look great.
OMG I LOVE cheese sauce too

tRiaL bY c0mbaT
So cute jessii!

you should get dog diapers
U guys deserve 1million
Lol Tye you look like Billy Idol xD Beautiful <3
Puberty has us shook.
Y’all are too cute.
is Tye older then Bear
Oh my goodness! Can I have some of that snow
Jessii tonight we are ganna expos are selves
Tye that sounds soooo wrong
My bro and his wife have pictures of them at the same party in height school and knew the same girl but never met till he got a job where she works
Those 8 people who put a thumbs don’t know what their doing with their life
The intro is just a whole bunch and of “AWWW THATS SUCH A CUTE FAMILY “
This should be renamed ty and Jess vlogs

Lol loved the bob report
OMG! aim so late! I didn’t get the notification! BUT YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!!! The Yearbook is just
……….. I weigh 50 pounds…… I'm… 10…………