00:23 Looooong arm
01:06 Grow a flower on your hand
01:25 Parallel universe 🙂
02:16 Magic fire
05:05 Amazing video for your instagram
07:35 Romantic video for two
08:52 Summer video life hack
09:34 Gather together friends on a photo
11:07 Photo panorama effect

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  1. Kamlesh Chudasama says

    Who watches thise video ful

  2. 7:10 Omg is that Gryffindor's?!?!

  3. Mad Perkins says

    Good idea

  4. Mohammed Adeeb says

    aslkm 10:35 see the girls eyes different colours

  5. peachy macchiato says

    Казань 🙂

  6. World Of Rocks Official says

    owo grrrr

  7. sekac92 Sekac92 says

    Это казань

  8. Nguyễn quang Thành says

    trong are you from?

  9. mosarrop Emon says

    10:18 Our Grandmother 🙂

  10. Julia Michaela Sales says

    I love 5 minuted craft can you do some give aways for the solid subscribers please I know all of you are so rich now haha

  11. Wen Wen says


  12. Thomas Lee says

    How do you combine the two videos at 3:00?

  13. # IISloydII says

    Wtf is this this is stupid

  14. Hsnen Hsnen says

    كلش. عجبني. هاذة. الفيديو

  15. per peranji says

    5 minute crafts girls always wear different colour of their contact lenses..it makes me very curious😖

  16. Кек Лел says

    Я и не знал что вы из Казани

  17. karuna patil says

    5 minutes magic is the world amazing video thank you 5 minutes magic video I am looking first time then I want only looking 5 minutes😍😍🤩🤩 5 minutes magic thank you
    Please like my post

  18. Minh Nguyễn says


  19. Izzybizzy 21 says

    Mum I need to borrow your car door ASAP

  20. Radhakrishnan Kannan says

    Tulip hacks was completely awesome

  21. Pritam Office says

    not bad

  22. churchill bergado says

    is it iluminati or you are group o f iluminati?? 6:50

  23. ysrael margate says

    Am I the only one that noticed her eyes at 10:34. Her eye colors aren't the same.😐😐😐😮

  24. DINIYAH Aja says


  25. Hipxa Ameen says

    10:35 is she’s eyes are blue and like yellow or green

  26. The dream Queen says

    1:50 I don’t get it

  27. Ritamatilda Falck says

    This is the first time og done 1000 👎 but ill do a 👍 right know

  28. 7:09 Harry Potter!😍😍😘😘

  29. Anjali Verma says

    Which camera app you use ?

  30. ismail Muhammad says

    im laugh at no nose

  31. Mariam Khamis says

    لاحظتو انو هي البنت عندا عين لون اخضر والتانية ازرق

  32. mariami kuxalaschvili says

    love LOVE

  33. mariami kuxalaschvili says


  34. Christen Khaver Sangalang says


  35. Нурай Айюб says

    Если скучно надо снимать видео

  36. دٍكُہتہۇٴره Zahra says

    لوو بس اعرف شنو اسم الكامره

  37. Deepesh Sharma says




  39. ciber alvarez garcia says

    Videos de eslaai

  40. Queen Latifa says

    Has anyone noticed these are tiktok trends??

  41. shahzan Qureshi says

    Where you from guys?

  42. Oluwabimpe Ademoyegun says

    Do you guys already noticed that 5 minute crafts MADE the ideas, they're basically using the ideas, so us repeating it wouldn't make much sense.
    No offence. This stuff has been seen by 1 million plus people, if we repeat it, we may look as if we want attention, too much of it on instagram.
    Still no offence, I'm not coming from a negative aspect or opposing this video, it's just a point.
    Please let me see your replies.
    And by the way, if you think I'm an adult by the way I'm 'writing' , you're wrong, I'm only thirteen!!!

  43. Nazia shahzad says

    Nice i try very amazing and enjoyment

  44. Yemaya Maldonado says


  45. carry minati says

    1:02 pubg panda dress like if u agree

  46. Michele kezia Wera says

    123 go did this to sort of

  47. / / Sunflower / / says

    7:40 disturbed me…

  48. black_ cat says

    Это русский канал! не верьте им

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