Photography Tips : How Do I Become a Professional Photographer?


Professional photographers make their living by taking photos, so they must decide if working days revolve around photography. Become a professional photographer with tips from a professional photographer in this free video on photography.

Expert: Anthony Maddaloni
Bio: Anthony Maddaloni is a professional photographer from Austin, Texas.
Filmmaker: Todd Green

  1. Drew Cavanaugh says

    Professional(my opinion): Making more than 75% of your main income at that particular "profession". Hence I am a professional fishing guide, however I am, for now, a semi-professional photographer. I incorporate my photography and videography into my charter business. I am hoping one day to start doing photography more and more as my main line of work.

  2. shutter bumb says

    Wow your amazing i'm jst using my DSLR D80 Nikon 😉

  3. Justin COONEY says

    I'm a kid I'm using a ipad and apps

  4. redsoxsanter says

    Nope im an amateur doctor!

  5. Sorin Alexandru says

    Have you heard about Pudgy Paycheck Secret? (Go google it) It is a quick and easy way to get more income fast.

  6. Jami Comes says

    Hello! Have you thought about photo sfxart tricks (search for it)? My friend Evan made some awesome pictures with their video tutorials.

  7. Raymond Campbell says

    Dont laugh. I want to be a maternity/pregnancy photographer…

  8. Sir Mutantenkraken says

    i dont know about the end… i might be just a dumb human beeing, but i learn the most from mistakes i do myself, so i like to just get into stuff right from the beginning

  9. MANNY SIMONE says

    Hey thanks man,you seem like a nice great dude.I'm one of those guys are jst doing this for fun and wnna learn how to take nice pics.Thanks for the tips and your thoughts.

  10. Ben Smerglia says

    @TO4ST No…he used "segue" as a noun. "That's a great segue…". If he'd said "that is how you segue…", it'd be a verb.

  11. Ryano R says

    good point !

  12. James says

    hii , great vid : )
    im 14 and im seriously intrested in photography afterdoing it for nearly 2 and ahalf yearsi have worked alongsome great photographers and evenshot at accrington stanley with the official photographer buti cant understandhow you getreally noticed and get your photosout thereand makelots ofmoney off my images , it got mee thinking as i know there is so much competition in photography and i think iwant to make alivingoffphotography soo howdo i get my photos out there?cheers 😀

  13. sharmie Bargamento says

    Good day, I will show you how I generatetons of cash sharing links and uploading videos. Google some royalty free wallpapers, songs or templates. Upload it somewhere safe. Then sign up with bee4biz (you can simply Google it) and lock the download link with them. Make videos advertising your royalty free download and post protected download link in description. bee4biz will pay each time somebody completes a survey to unlock your download link. They pay weekly and via Pyapal or moneybookers

  14. Matthew Chen says

    good vid

  15. gunhimdown says

    @LoveKyannah haha, im sure

  16. Renee Wilson says

    Photography is dying out by the sheer numbers of people entering the field and the amount of post production software to make a bad photo passable.. Regrettably, most of these "photographers: don't train properly and stagnate at a lousy, passable level. Even worse, the customer often doesn't know the difference. Anybody can market themselves into a professional photographer gig, but become a real photographer is a bigger subject.

  17. martin_e says

    @NikkLJs Just like anything in life that depends on how motivated you are. And yes, you do need to be at least pretty good as a photographer. Being kick ass will get you much farther.

  18. martin_e says

    Damn— quite concise for 3 minutes. Good Job.

    I'll add that people should stop using professional as a way of describing an image. Amateur photographers often have way better work than professionals— just as he said "professional" only literally means that money is made full time from being a photographer. People casually use the term so much nowadays to describe good work simply because a lot of professionals do have really good work.

  19. CasualMaggot says

    i like your philosophy, It actually can be translated to any dream job. It's like they say… money doesn't buy happiness. I know you can get what you always wanted with money, but how you own them, is a part of your life, and is part of makes your life worthwhile. Hating your job is never a part of a completely happy life. You can have kids and a wife that loves you, but to hate your job,.. it wouldn't overlap the joy of the wife and kids, but it's not as good as it could be.

  20. Chris Withers says

    I really enjoy your YouTube Channel. You give great advice. Check out my YouTube Channel Sometime. Maybe we could swap ideas. I plan to post a lot of my photography editing sessions on here.

  21. Dale Leppert says

    I liked this but have a question. it sounded to me like you implied that you really do not need any formal training. can you speak about this. How valuable is the formal training? It is really going to help me? can i really expect to make any serious money at it in the future without some sort of actual degree? Thanks.

  22. Brandon Wold says

    No, he used segue as a verb.

  23. Eduardo Gonçalves says

    lol!!! rofl!!!

  24. xbatusai says

    Mario Bros?

  25. Adam Harness says

    YEAH REALLY… you think being a plumber is funny?? lol the next time some of your underground pipes break and floads ur backyard 98% chance u call a plumber..

  26. Adam Harness says

    plumbers make good money

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