Panasonic LUMIX GX9 | Street Photography Field Test in Rome


Matt Higgs heads to Rome with Panasonic’s new premium street camera, the LUMIX GX9. This sleek device boasts a 20.3MP Micro Four Thirds sensor, 5-axis dual-IS and 4K video recording. An ideal companion for the street photographer!

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  1. Michael Halim says

    What is your bag mate?

  2. Joel Kleiner says

    Thank you for your breif but well done review. I really am enjoying shooting with my fairly new GX9 and the Lumix Leica 15mm (30mm equivalent) lens. It is great and really perfect for "street photography". If you want a small, compact, light and versitle camera this GX9 is terrific.

  3. TheSnufking says

    Sorry, but the images you took suck… Not a very convincing review.

  4. Cutting the Caboose says

    Hey guys, looks like someone is ripping off your reviews (they reuploaded mine too).

  5. Joel Kleiner says

    Thank you for your very detailed and short review. You did a great report.

  6. David Murray says

    Great review, Matt has a wonderful delivery. And regarding the camera thank goodness Panasonic introduced the tilt screen as opposed to the flip out screen in the GX8…it is far quicker to use and far less obtrusive, well done Panasonic, this is a brilliant specialised street and documentary camera.

  7. Marc No-mad says

    You're looking for a better choice than the GX9, very less expensive, much better equipped ? Try the GX8… And with the money you save, buy a good lens : 25 f:1,4 Panasonic or 12-40 Olympus.
    And look at the 75 F/1.8 for portraits…

  8. Gabriela Lamberti says

    Panasonic GX9 or Olympus OMD 10 mk iii

  9. Jacob Bryant says

    As a videographer this camera seems pretty great to me. I'm looking for a street photography camera that can also be my B-cam to go with my GH4 and this has very similar specs. No it doesn't have audio connections but I wouldn't ever try connecting anything to this anyway, just use an external recorder or record on GH4.

  10. Satya Rabbani says

    gx9 have 4k photo mode ?

  11. Satya Rabbani says

    5 axis important for camera nowadays dude, excelent choice 👍

  12. Derek Midgley says

    I like that it has tilting but not fully articulating screen. There are already several micro four thirds cameras with fully articulating. We didn't need another. For street shooting I much prefer quick up and down tilting. Looks like an excellent camera!

  13. Rahel V says

    What lense did you use to shoot?

  14. Tobias Moeckel says

    Can someone tell me the name of the artist/band and the song at 0:36 please?

  15. Thilo Nagano says

    The GX9 is actually the successor of the GX80/85, which in turn was the successor of the GX7. In Japan they are named GX7 – GX7 mkII – GX7 mkIII. This should explain a lot.

  16. John says

    Hi, thanks for your video, can u tell me how to set a fixed middle focus point or am I old fashioned wanting this. I could not do it on the gx8, got a gx85 and send it back, now I have the gx9 but I don’t want my face to mess up the focus on touch screen and rather a fixed point. Thanks for your time

  17. M. Leittao says

    Lindas fotografias!!!

  18. John says

    Any way for my face not messing with the focus points when left eying the view finder ?

  19. Jackie Semple says

    Great video with superb shots and succinct info.

  20. Immortal says

    How would this compare with the A7 or A7ii in terms of photo and video of kids? I need video and photo autofocus, low light iso and good colour depth.

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