DO'S & DON'TS: How To Draw a Realistic Mouth / Lips | Step by Step Drawing Tutorial


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In this pencil drawing tutorial I am demonstrating some common mistakes beginners make when drawing lips in Graphite pencil.
Derwent Graphic pencils B and 4B:

Generals extra hard charcoal pencil:

Eraser for highlights:


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Music by LakeyInspired (used with permission from the artist)

  1. Neal Nolan says

    I'm still working im better than the don't noww

  2. charmaine letizia says

    I love the way you teach. Your drawings are so realistic. amazing works of art. thank you.

  3. Joe Blankenship says

    I have tough time getting accurate color/shadow on lips when I draw from a reference photo. I end up layering too much colored pencil and it becomes a real hassle going back in and correcting stuff.

  4. James Shipley says

    I use a 1" paint brush to get rid of eraser chunks. Using your hand or finger causes unwanted smudges.

  5. Exility says

    First of all

    95% of the people wants to talk about how the dont’s is better than their drawing
    5% want to learn

  6. Meghan Roller says

    I love your videos. Thank you!

  7. Tim Johnston says

    ya ya , your going in and adding highlites whopped de do

  8. Tim Johnston says

    your not really telling anyone anything on how and what vto do with what kinds of pencils.. Did ya just not think of that?? huh

  9. Argento Fan says

    I'd love to learn to draw like this, if only my cat would stop being an arsehole and get off my sketch pad.

  10. Paupers Budget says

    Thank you for this, I am an artist and am pretty good but have a hard time in certain areas of my drawings. The lips are a problem for me as well as other areas. This is a drawing I did of a friend, please let me know what you think. I am an illustrator in my drawing style.

  11. Gregg Weeboo says

    great video!
    please talk less, youre voice is fcuking horrid lol.

  12. A M says

    It's my first time doing a real person pencil portrait! I followed your instructions and got a pretty descent mouth for a first time that i'm really satisfied about.
    You're awesome! Keep up the good work 😀

  13. Asad Farooqui says

    I tried to sketch like this thanks kirsty

  14. Dr. Lamonte Calvin says

    How do people draw don’ts side so good both they both look the same like come on

  15. RCHines says

    Fantastic!!! thank you so much for the great tutorial.

  16. Owlab Opemipo says

    Damn… I really wish i could just manage and be able to draw even if it's your don't, you are too good

  17. Octoknight says

    I’m a new realistic style artist and I am terrified of doing lips! However, your video helped me get over that fear thanks!

  18. Green7wave says

    " Realism is about subtle transactions and subtle shading "
    Best tip that i ever got from anyone, thanks for the great video!

  19. Only one Beck says

    wow! nice

  20. Just Jose! says

    Lol!!!! My lips kept closed even when i wanted to open them! Its probably cause the drawing was so realistic and the mouth in the drawing was closed^^

  21. jiji jaja says

    Hey this music IS lakey inspired great

  22. Jam Naushad says

    Very useful

  23. Aysun Cəbrayılzadə says


  24. Kay Smith says

    I drew the best lips I've ever drawn in my life, lol thank you

  25. Alessandra Ponticelli says


  26. EmmaKim TV says

    Oh my gosh
    Thank you so much kirsty for the tips on how to draw a realistic mouth, i really appreciate your tips for my realistic drawing, im not that much of a great artistic and realistic drawer but your tips are relly helpful for me because everytime i draw something realistic i always seem to struggle drawing a realistic mouth

    And again thank you so much😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

  27. Siri’s Workd says

    I am not trynna he rude but it is hard to wacthing your videos cause you speed them up

  28. علي عبدالله says

    thank you it was helpful

  29. nis says

    lips are so hard

  30. Christopher Byrum says

    The accent makes this even better. Thank you for the tut.

  31. Mep 101 says

    This is doo doo

  32. SeriesOfTheories says

    Lovely. Just keep talking.

  33. Greek_Fire says


  34. Jitender Kumar says

    Very nice

  35. Chéryl Blossøm says

    It look like Rihanna's lips so great ❤

  36. Marlen Abreu Salcedo says

    How long did it take for you to complete the mouth? I always get discouraged because I need a lot of time and efford to draw something

  37. Sethu Nath says

    Super technical
    Steps easy to use

  38. Cristhian Bourlot says

    Very good stuff. Now, narration is also an art. Don't speed up when you`re speaking. Go a little slower. You'll make the whole thing much more attractive. 🙂

  39. India Collins says

    This video really helps thanks!!!😀

  40. بالعربي - OMG says

    why you draw fast??

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