What NOT TO DO as a "PROFESSIONAL" Photographer!!!


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Welcome back to another Rapid Fire Website Critique. This time around I spent a lot of time critiquing the photos on the site. There were for one, WAY TOO MANY. There definitely were some super solid keepers, but mixed in were some images that were very snapshotty. It’s those snapshotty pictures you MUST get rid of on your site because they simply do not look professional and may cost you jobs.

I really like what this photographer had to say on their about page. It made me feel a connection, calm and that I should consider hiring them.

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#FroKnowsPhoto #Photography #WhatNotToDo portfolio

  1. Jared Polin says

    Welcome back to another Rapid Fire Website Critique. This time around I spent a lot of time critiquing the photos on the site. There were for one, WAY TOO MANY. There definitely were some super solid keepers, but mixed in were some images that were very snapshotty. It's those snapshotty pictures you MUST get rid of on your site because they simply do not look professional and may cost you jobs.

    I really like what this photographer had to say on their about page. It made me feel a connection, calm and that I should consider hiring them.

    What constructive feedback do you have?

  2. lordwelhim esaga says

    what kind of lenses that compress background. nikon user here. 🙂

  3. BamaBoynCali says

    Why does every photographer always say something looks amateur.. like its NOT ok to be an amateur….we lal have to start somewhere.. I've only been at this a few months myself, yes I'm an amateur.. it always make me feel uneasy when pros aren't sensitive the fact that it's ok to be an amateur.

  4. I B says

    Big thing that jumped out to me was the cropping/ framing. That needs attention.

  5. Composition was fucking trash omg how are people paying her for this

  6. Indraneil tomar says

    Hey Jared, Please review my website too. I'm just entering in the professional side of photography and film-making and I could really use such a harsh critique like this one. My website is http://www.neilsphoto.studio

  7. LisaP says

    Not harsh at all. Super nice and I don't think she's giving it away for snapshot quality in Raleigh.

  8. WD B says

    Why don't you talk about trees and things coming out of the subject's heads?

  9. Pranks By Jan McGinley says

    DoN't LiE tO mE MICHELLE!? this cracked me up!!!

  10. Adam Ess says

    How the hell do your videos look so great, especially this video? Great videos also man, love to have a behind the scenes on your setup btw… subbed 🙂

  11. Zzzz oop says

    blah blah blah… mmm oh kay…

  12. Lando CreamCheese says

    Agreed with Jared

  13. Robnyc 718 says

    Did u say horizonical ? Lmao

  14. Cory Armitage says

    Ya I'm with you on the maternity photos. They're almost always lame.

  15. Malcolm Walls says

    Spot on review in my book

  16. Kevin Mocker says

    7:22 "Horizonical"  is NOT a word!  "Horizontal" is the word your looking for

  17. Tiffy Hughes says

    You just sound like my teacher Kim, Photography College and I was a wonder if you can tell if it's all good with Clare Photography here link http://www.clarecassidyphotography.com/ this lady is deaf and does it good photography, just wondering? To me, she's good at it. I'm studying to learn photography etc.

  18. Ángel Nicoara says

    Q tal si criticas unas fotos que te mande?

  19. Erin B says

    Good critique, I also hate Investment but it's so common in the industry anymore. Best investment I ever made was buying the Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 FL ED, its heavy and took time to adjust with the reversed focus and zoom rings, but its WORTH IT.

  20. M.A. says

    "Ha ha ha ha ha …. "

  21. John Sabatier says

    I'd rather have a harsher critic that'll improve my business then a fluffy pat on the back kind. So thanks for being honest.

  22. Robert Jensen says

    Jared, agree 100% on showing only your best work. When I was starting out shooting for model & talent agencies in LA I was fortunate to have the head of one company stop to look at my portfolio. He gave me this great piece of advice "It's better to show three great images than it is to show 20 okay photos. The client always remembers your worst image. Always keep your book updated, replacing images with better images. This way your book gets better and better over time."

    He later added to not show more than 2 images of the same look, and even then only if the images are very different. (like a closeup and full body shot).

  23. zeroks16 says

    I love your honesty (about the maternity photos), and your honesty about your honesty which turns it from being mean to, well… being honest!
    I used to go to a photography club and everyone was just so polite to the point where very photo anyone showed was ' nice' – I was so frustrated – there was so much shit and no one was ever going to improve or be critical in that sort of climate (including me of course!) so what was the point of even being there!?

  24. Stefan Dimitrov says

    As amateur as …. Some of us back in the day, were ashamed to ask to be paid for our shoot, while we were learning. 60% of the "photos" were not properly exposed or composed, they are not doing anything, just sitting, or standing.
    And cutting of fingers, legs, arms, feet is a big no-no…

  25. Chris Diliberti says

    The backgrounds in focus are driving me crazy. The time of day most of these photos are shot in the lighting is to harsh. I know not everyone that she took photos of could do golden hour photos but you need to show some.

  26. Fro-dian slip 😉

  27. polymerizedrecords says

    She's "giving her stuff away" because her work is awful, honestly. I've seen better pictures from 14 year olds with iPhone's on IG. It's incredibly sad that someone can produce such a low level work nowadays when you can literally open up youtube and become a better photographer for free.

  28. 羅偉聰 says

    You hate this woman Jared? why showing her name and website

  29. Christopher Hansen says

    haven't finished watching yet, but this was one of your better critiques of the maternity section. I feel like you really did a great job saying why some images were better than others and why the site should drop a lot of the images because they actually did look like iphone pics.

  30. Horvath Images says

    Oh my, she is so not ready to charge people for money. She is very amateur. She needs a lot of practice. Jared was very soft on her.

  31. Milorad Karavidin says

    Maternity photos. Dan is excited!!! LOL

  32. Jason Hayward says

    Agreed, I've used a Nikon 70-200mm for everything for 10years, best lens.

  33. Joshua Gutierrez says

    Jared, great job reviewing her portfolio. I love how straight forward you were. 🙂

  34. Scheib Miro says

    Did my website with wordpress but would be very nice if you review it. It's on germam but builting and pictures you can look at! I am a hobby photographer based in switzerland. I love to shoot in the night and doing landscape shots! http://www.miroscheib.ch

  35. Robin Reer says

    „… I know what to focus, moron!“ – Jared Polin, 2019. – did sound amazing 😂

  36. David Sargent says

    Absolutely agree with all your comments. A harsh critique is often the best. I spent some time at college taking art and photo classes and some of the most important moments of growth were being told HOW I was wrong by people who knew better than me – but also, it was important for me, and everyone in general, to be receptive to hearing all kinds of feedback. She seems like she would take this well and I hope she does because youre right, I think she does have great potential.

  37. vanntzer says

    I'm at the half of the video and I think she has a kit lens for that

  38. Martin Bryan says

    I mean, you get what you pay for?

  39. Ken Reiff says

    Jared, I appreciate many of your videos and they are very educational….OK here it comes….before your YOUTUBE channel took off I assume that you made a living doing 'professional' photography. Not sure how much of your total income today is actually based on your actual photography vs. the YOUTUBE aspect but can you please provide me (us) with what you believe are your credentials for critiquing other pro photogs. Now, everyone is allowed their opinions and definitely you've seen a lot of pro work, but specifically what do you base your pro opinions on?

  40. Hans jørgen Hjemdal says

    pchw pchw pchw HOLES IN JEANS

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