What on Earth is Stock Photography?


Another #askDRTV, and a question asking us what stock photography is all about. In this video, Kai, Lok & Alamby show you what stock photography is and the quick and easy way to making some images to make money on stock/micro stock photo websites.

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  1. Slobodan Milanov says

    She's a horrible photographer though

  2. Rahul Haloi says

    hahaha..loved your act man

  3. Edge says

    I thought to myself… "What the heck is a lamby?"

  4. Fred Huggins says

    I'm here due to Cowbelly making me curious about this question.

  5. journeyquest1 says


  6. Kaushik Kamble says


  7. Barney Quinn says

    Kais laugh really takes me off guard

  8. Ms. Green says


  9. AltLibertarian says

    6:02 is definitly you

  10. Michael's Explorations says

    Love Alamby is so cute 👌😍😍😍😍😍😏

  11. Arnob Antor says

    How Life magazine collect photos?

  12. A. Haikal Ruslan says

    Is the intro a Tony and Chelsea Northrup reference?

  13. ElizaShakiraMassani says

    That big glob of hair gel in his hair drove me nuts the entire video.

  14. trent reid says

    correct me if im wrong but in the whole shot process of smashing the laptop and all wouldnt it have been better to be using a faster shutterspeed as opposed to having a blurred movement? jydt wandering not being negative just curious

  15. eb060801 says

    I thought the laptop was a garden slab when I first saw it

  16. Monashee says

    Very humorous take on what stock photography is, and I definitely have produced a few of these cheesy, expected shoots. I've also been involved in some very cool stock photo productions, and I feel the stock photo climate has changed since then. There is more "real" and authentic work out there now. I can definitely see the humor in this having been in the industry for years.

  17. Eddie Oxedine says

    I must say Alamby is hot.

  18. Ask Hermit says

    You look really good with your glasses off.  Have you ever thought about contacts.

  19. Fernando Andrade says

    It seems that what gives the p sell stock does not pay for a camera canon 5D

  20. Falcon X says

    And the descriptions on the stock photos for some reason have to specify the race of the person. Maybe some people have a problem with some races when choosing a stock photo :/

  21. Falcon X says

    You also have to look generic looking hah

  22. Falcon X says

    Always those damn tech support and business images on stock websites. Boring as hell.

  23. A bowl of Miso soup says

    the girl is too cute! 🙂

  24. loan nghiem says

    Is Alamby Kai's sister or anything else?

  25. Marcus Braun says

    Lamby is so damn cute.

  26. GamerGab007 says

    I cring'd

  27. Colin Creighton says

    You mean… women can photography too?! Preposterous!

  28. EposVox says


  29. Marcos Vinícius Petri says

    OMG, Loki arm is so thin (look at the shadow at 5:30)

  30. IDisAgreeWitU says

    oml he's adorable

  31. Lii Angilau says

    Not gonna lie your voice tripped me out when I first heard it

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