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A initially learned photography as a kid shooting black & white then developing the photos in a dark room, that was a magical time and sparked my interest in photography. As I got older I dabbled in digital photography but wasn't until my kids were born that i really started to get an active interest back in it all.
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I think her pictures are cute and should be in the yearbook. The school was wrong to ban her pictures.
Yes, I heard the school administration censored her pictures too
The school adminisration removed the picture from the yearbook, and went against the wishes of the editors. The editors approved the picture for publication, but where overruled by the adminstation. The school was wrong to remove the picture.
There has been plenty of comparable pictures. Start looking around you will find them.
@pvmiii432 i don't spend much time going thru yearbooks……
It's not about how risque it is – rather, I believe it is about how INAPPROPRIATE it is in a high school yearbook. Find me ONE comparable photo ever published in a high school yearbook…
This man is a jackass and removed all doubt as he continued to run his diatribe psychobabble…. You obviously have never had any daughters and have the morals of a cockroach!