Speedlights vs Studio Strobes? Which flash is better and why? Strobist Photography Tutorial #2
Speedlight vs studio strobes? When it comes to off camera flash photography people often find this to be a very confusing subject. This is part one of a series dedicated to simplifying that question.
Generally speaking, Monolights are more powerful than speedlites. Speedlights cost less than monolights. Monolights recycle faster and let you shoot longer bursts. Speedlites are smaller and more portable. Monolights are predominantly manual only, however companies like Profoto, Godox and Adorama are coming out with TTL Monolight’s if you are willing to shell out the cash. Speedlights are predominately automatic and TTL – through the lens, however most also offer a manual option and many manufacturers still offer manual only Speedlites which I personally prefer and these manual ones cost much less. Monolight’s usually have more modifiers available, but many companies are now making adapters or Speedlight specific modifiers like the Roque Flashbenders. Speedlights will allow you to stop very fast action and even shoot at very high shutter speeds. Monolights – not so much on the fast action, but some of the pricier units will allow you to work at higher shutter speeds.
In this video, I will use a Flashpoint320M Monolight and a LumoPro 180R Speedlight to show you the basic differences between the two types of flash units.
Flashpoint 320M 150ws Monolight –
LumoPro 180R Speedlight –
LumoPro Cold Shoe Adapter –
Photoflex Medium Lite Dome –
LumoPro LP606 8′ Black Air Cushioned Light Stand –
Product links are Amazon Affiliate Links which help support the cost of producing these videos. Thank you for your support and understanding.
FTC – LumoPro brand equipment was supplied to me by LumoPro. All other equipment is my own. All opinions are my own.
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#ishootpeople #joeedelman
Joe, You talk a lot about Nikon and Canon speedlights. I just switched to a Sony a7r2 and am trying to figure out the best speedlight to get. Is brighter always better as long as it can be switched down? By the way, I am loving your videos.
The best video I've ever watched on speedlights.
Hi Joe I have both the Flashpoint 320 and 620M that I use in studio, I also have my two old Sunpak 433D's and a Sunpak 555 that I use on location. I also use my Sunpaks as accent light in the studio. You are so right both have there uses and it's just a matter of what one needs and how much one is willing to spend. Just a side note I also still use my old Minolta IV F flash meter, lol. My point is use what works for you.
Your videos are fantastic Joe. Clear and simple. Really helpful!
i liked your video, i am wedding photographer, and i will like take best portrait photos with flash. i bought a V850II flash for Pentax and a softbox 120cm. can you tell me if i made a good buy
Another very informative video! Thanks for sharing. (Yes, I know these are older posts, but still extremely helpful and a great review.)
Joe please include steady light comparison with speedlites and mono thanks. But this video is very good it helps a lot specially beginners like me thank you
Some of my favorite portraits were taken in the early 80's with a Vivitar 283 bounced into an umbrella.
Ah!…who can forget the 283……cool.
one of the best explained with detailed examples. great video by far
i am using 2 speedlight in my wedding photoshoot in a room.
Hey Joe, thanks for a great vid. I shoot mainly on-location. I’m looking to get multiple fps of sports action and continuous LED just isn’t enough for high shutter speeds. I’d also want to supplement ambient light for outdoor stills. Thinking about Godox AD400. Good buy? Or would a speed light be better?
I like this guy.
Great content, very helpful thank you !!!
Are you confused yet ?! hahaha good one
Just the video i need. Explained the topic very well. Subbed
Just the video i need. Exlplained the topic very well. Subbed
I'm waching your master classes in Spanish, thank you for clarifying my doubts, teacher
You explain well. Plus I like the video effects wherein you disappear and suddenly appear before talking
best explanation which i've seen. All clear no bla-bla
Thanks bro
Am I correct that the new mirror-less cameras will not work correctly in manual with studio lights? I have been told by several YouTubers that this is a valid statement as you cannot see the screen in manual with small apertures. I have a T4I and discovered this problem in live view and needed to turn it off and go eye level. I want to purchase an EOS R but now I am not so sure. I create many focus merges and I need to be able to see what I am taking photos of in order to focus. What if you are in studio and want to shoot your subject where the existing light doesn't influence the photo. Will I be able to use the camera screen. There are no videos in YouTube that cover it. Not sure why???
i learned a lot from you thanks for posting these videos
Hello good morning, I am looking for a totorial where strobe appears 300w in Spanish and I do not meet anywhere, can you tell me where or have you done one?
Hola buenos dias, ando buscando un totorial donde aparesca strobe 300w en español y no encuntro por ningun lado, me puede decir en donde o tu has hecho alguno ?
Wow vivtar 283 I haven’t heard that in years Joe, I was hobby photographer back then, and just recently bought a Nikon D7500.
your videos, we didn’t Youtube back then….
I know this an older video, but I have a question. When using a diffuser such as Gary Fong (or similar) whats the best mm to put the flash head at if shooting manually? Would it be better to go closer to 24 or 105? Or should we keep it the same size as the lens we have on? Being the flash is shooting up and spreading the light I was just curious if it's a diff.
I really enjoyed watching this. Thank you!
awesome video, thanks!
Thank you so much, you have cleared all my doubts about this two Lights. Great informative video.
I always learn something (and often a lot) with your vids, thanks Joe'
My head is spinning!! But I love your educational style. Ever do in-person workshops?
YOU ARE GREAT.. Subscribed and greetings from Dubai
I see this again and again and wonder how simply he put it across, easy to understand and follow. Great.
Very helpful, educating.
Hi Joe. I am an automotive photographer that has been shooting with natural light up to this point. I am looking to use invest in external lighting. The usage would be to light up cars in darker conditions like an underground parking garage or even outdoors during an evening. I'm leaning towards a mono light for its power advantage.. what do you think?
You're a Guru! Wow, first time I see a clear and totally useful comparative about these ones. Thanks!
fantastic videos and nice style easy to follow lesson
Amazing explanation. Thank you Joe!
Love your content Joe, thank you.
Very well video and explained. I am an amateur and self taught and I learned a lot today from you. I hope to continue,like and subscribed.Tanks I hope you continue in that rhythm to translate into Spanish. my from is Argentina