Quickly Draw Heads with the Loomis Method – Part 1

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It’s been 6 years since I released my first youtube video on drawing loomis heads and now I think it’s time for a little recap and to give you some new info on it. Subscribe to Proko:

In this video, I’ll do a few quicksketch studies of the average loomis head from different angles.

Parts 2 and 3 will show you how to use a Loomis Head to fit any head type and an intuitive approach.

Part 2:
Part 3:

12 DAYS OF PROKO (Quicksketch Edition)

Day 1 – Kim Jung Gi:
Day 2 – Getting Better Faster:
Day 3 – Sketching with Ink from Imagination:
Day 5 – Draw ANY Head Type – Loomis Part 2:
Day 6 – Intuitive Portraits – Loomis Part 3:
Day 7 – Meditation for Artists:
Day 8 – Improve Your Sketching Speed:
Day 9 – Painting Challenge:
Day 10 – The FORCE Method:
Day 11 – Draw Using Reilly Rhythms:
Day 12 – Speed Sculpting:

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Artist | Instructor | Producer – Stan Prokopenko (
Production Assistance – Brandon Storer, Sean Ramsey (
Editing – Sean Ramsey, Stan Prokopenko

Music Used with Permission
Intro – The Freak Fandango Orchestra

Jingle Jazz by Quantum Jazz is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 International License.

Orbiting A Distant Planet by Quantum Jazz is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 International License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

04 – Quantum Jazz – Move by Quantum Jazz is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 International License.

About Proko:
Instructional How to Draw videos for artists. My drawing lessons are approachable enough for beginners and detailed enough for advanced artists. My philosophy is to teach timeless concepts in an entertaining way. I believe that when you are having fun, you learn better. I take pride in producing high quality videos that you will enjoy watching and re-watching.

  1. أسد الصحراء says

    هل العرب موجودين هنا؟؟

  2. Sina K says

    My nose is 2/3 of my face!

  3. richard aguirre says

    hey i know this must be a very late question and statement but can u make a video discussing the loomis method and why is it in use today and who created it and why was it created and for what is it used??? thank u

  4. 木头沐 says

    What is Loomis?

  5. 홀로로 says

    감사합니다.^^ thanks you

  6. محمد محمد says

    ارجو ان تكون ترجمه بالعربي

  7. Илиада says

    А вот такой вопрос: Есть ли уроки на русском языке?

  8. BoyOfAwe says

    How can you hold your pencil like that?

  9. wipawaree kulthai says

    Thank you for sharing video. 🙂 Your video helps me improve about beginning of drawing face man.

  10. kp1832 p says

    What is the cost for the subscription service.?

  11. kp1832 p says

    I have trouble with designing the head and eyes mouth and ears.?

  12. kp1832 p says

    I'm beginning with oil painting and basic design techniques.

  13. black marble says

    so, is the distance between tip of the nose and end of the jaw is twice as long than from start of hair till the eyes

  14. Hushi says

    I was there when Stan made the first draw the head video, coming back, I can't thank him enough.

  15. ml luna says

    He literally makes it look so easy lmao

  16. Brittany Lee says

    Thank you

  17. Vita Laptander says

    Сделай пожалуйста русский язык!!!

  18. 👍🙋‍♀️😘👏🏿💜

  19. Allan Rabanales Art says

    Proko is dope. 👏👏👏

  20. abhishek dhyani says


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