Picture This (Official Music Video) – Annie LeBlanc


6/15/2019 – The Gould Theater – New York, NY

Get Annie’s newest song “Two Sides” now

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Thanks to:

Austin Brown
Jayden Bartels
Jenna Davis
Indiana Massara
Carson Lueders
Greg Marks
Hayley LeBlanc

Producer/Assistant Director- Michelle “MBennz” Bennett/S.T.A.R. Kidz
Director/Editor/Videographer- Reel Mike Jones
Executive Producer- S.T.A.R. Kidz

Song Producer and Co-writer – Alex Cantrall

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  1. Hammy B says

    It really do be like this

  2. AaliyahCamille Gomez says

    I think she is taking about Asher Angel

  3. Hadley Mark says

    Did anyone else notice that Billy and Haley are in the background at the booth behind them!?!?

  4. Rainbow_ Unicorn Sophia says

    Is it a dream Annie

  5. Mahathi Reddy says


  6. Emily Gonzalez says

    My dad is a plumber

  7. Neo Parraghi says

    Those good old days went ppl where shping her and carson

  8. Kids Vlogging Channel says

    Annie, do a song of Caleb if you feel comfortable!! 💕

  9. Isabella Taddeo says

    I love you Annie

  10. Jaelyn Garcia says

    Annie😍😘 ki,

  11. elena popovic says

    This is how many boyfriends Annie had

  12. JenzieStory’s says

    that highnote..

  13. Ben Peretz says

    May 2019 anyone?

  14. niker masongsong says


  15. Whittney Livingston says

    Is he your boyfriend 😓

  16. Camila Contreras says

    Lite ir yo u sal animes dad☺

  17. Rylie Paden says

    You are so good at singing I could listen to this over and over

  18. Anosha Asim says

    Asher Angel left the chat

  19. Jadelynn Lyons says

    That is awesome

  20. bigworld ofnour says

    Is this sponsored by sprite

  21. Nikola Jarzebowska says


  22. Alta Sanches says

    9 anyone?

  23. Dahlia Rodriguez says

    Did you guys notice that billy was in the video at the end ???

  24. Hi it’s me Eve Hi says

    Did anyone notice Annie’s dad was behind them the whole entire time 😂😂your the best Annie

  25. Teylor Hedges says

    i wish i was pretty like Annie love you guys

  26. tamara macklin says


  27. delaney maria says

    I did not know you had those moves!!

  28. Feni Aggiadi says


  29. Riya_ Playz says

    Austin kinda looks like a girl

  30. Adele Wirepa says

    he looks like the chubby version of jacob sartourious

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