Panasonic LUMIX GH5S | Hands-On Field Test in Slovenia


Kriss Hampton and Ben Piper take Panasonic’s new LUMIX GH5S to Slovenia, where they visit the stunning Lake Bled, the beautiful Triglav National Park, and the country’s capital, Ljubljana.

The Panasonic LUMIX GH5S is the latest Micro Four Thirds camera in the popular LUMIX GH series. Thanks to its high sensitivity 10.2MP Live MOS sensor and dual native ISO, plus greatly extended ISO range, the GH5S boasts vastly improved low light performance and the highest video image quality in LUMIX’s history.

So, should you upgrade your GH5 to the GH5S?

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  1. Visible Authority says

    A beautifully done review, gentlemen! But one thing bothered me about the image. Whenever there was water, and there was quite a lot of it, there was quite a noticeable judder in the wave action. It looked almost like stop-motion photography. Was that a frame-rate issue or something else?

  2. ANTONIO EVA says

    with you stabilized GH5s ? in the car ? ecc. thx

  3. Bill Politis says

    Well done guys!

  4. Kirill Bykanov says

    I am thinking about getting the LUMIX GH5S to upgrade my filmmaking kit. What lens would you recommend with this camera for video?

  5. _ says

    Подскажите пожалуйста как полностью отключить запись звука при видеосъёмке в GH5s? Не могу найти в меню камеры и в инструкции эту возможность. Спасибо

  6. ian chapman says

    Hi, could you say which ND filter you used please?

  7. inhousefilms says

    Great job on this comparison guys; best explanation I've seen so far on these two great cameras and where they each excel. For me, the GH5S looks like the one to go for, as it will mainly be used for gimbal work and some low light shooting. Only hope is that V-LOG will match well with C-LOG 2 from the C300 mk II which is my A-CAM.

  8. Jan Majnik says

    You spelled the waterfall wrong… 🙂 It's Peričnik or without the funny letter just write Pericnik. But we have better waterfalls than that one. My fav is "Kozjak". 🙂 Great video.

  9. i5 productions / i5 records says

    What lenses were used for this video? Amazing quality!

  10. Choco Later says

    GH5s is like Rocky movie. People never believe something like that can be achieved yet Panasonic did it.

  11. Felipe Vece says

    GH5s can use Flash?

  12. CeeJay says

    this video helped a lot bro , i have been interested in this camera for some months now reading reviews and this was the best one yet, thank you!!

  13. Ekjot Singh says

    what lens did you use at 6:00?

  14. Kammy Khan says

    what lens did you use, looks amazing … I am struggling on what lense to buy… Helppppp

  15. ANGEL CASTRO says

    Video seems very blurry!

  16. The Jungle Diaries says

    FINALLY a fantastic video featuring the GH5s by someone who knows what they're doing. So much test footage out there is poorly exposed, well done here 👍🏼

  17. Andrew says

    What lens/es did you shoot with? Great video review. Thanks.

  18. mr.Knuckles says

    What's the name of the music?

  19. PhotoGearWatch says

    This video is currently ranked as the most viewed Panasonic Lumix DC-GH5S video of all time!
    Check out the list of most popular YouTube videos on Panasonic Lumix DC-GH5S at

  20. Topfelya says

    Hi ! Great review. Which camera did you use here 9:32

  21. Grim_Puppet says

    One of the best reviews I've ever seen! Excellent job! Thumbs up and subscribed!

  22. Dima Vosk says

    your grading is impossible to watch. why are the faces greenish?

  23. Arbel Biton says

    The fact that they removed IBIS is not bad at all, since most filmmakers use gimbals to stabilize their shots anyways. Also, if you were to get the GH5 and turn IBIS off, the sensor would still be floating around in a field of magnets and not locked into place.

    The GH5S and GH5 are used for different types of scenarios. Also, by removing IBIS on the GH5S, they were able to put in the Dual Native ISO technology and much more, so I would personally consider this change an upgrade since I also use a gimbal 90% of the time.

  24. Anatoly Ivanov says

    Why did you add letterbox instead of making video wide so it would fit the screen instead of making black bars ON EACH SCREEN IN THE WORLD even it the screen matches the video aspect ratio.

  25. Sergei Prekrasnov says

    Guys, what the gear is it?, I need it for car cinema

  26. Roberto Alex says

    Hi. Can you please tell what type of tripod you had used where the gh5s was turning around like a circle?

  27. Ryusei Takahashi says

    First song plz

  28. The Filmmaking Channel says

    Now this is a proper review! Great job!

  29. Oliver Coleman says

    Great review guys, really nice. Thanks! Am about to get one after being Canon for a long time.

  30. Sway Molina says

    Great review gentlemen.

  31. RbBishop Red says

    what is the lens you're using

  32. Lovely Dhillo says

    Pls must reply

  33. Lovely Dhillo says

    Dear sir I want to make a feature film is gh5s is suitable for big screen feature film

  34. Tristan Van Der Merwe says

    No autofocus at high frame rates. Why didn't you mention that?

  35. ekphotography says

    Nice video, but were your lenses or filters fogged up on many shots?

  36. Mercies May says

    Hey Kriss and Ben! Very much appreciate the awesome vid, but very curious about moire or aliasing issues on the 4k 10bit setting- thoughts?

  37. PeZi3000 says

    2:36 sorry, but that looks just horrible and is definitely unusable for any kind of commercial use…!
    Even the 4 years old Sony A7S (Mark 1) will give you a much better performance!!

  38. Disassociate says

    That shot at 0:42 is genuinely breathtaking. I want a wallpaper of that. Any photos of that trip?

  39. Shrujan shashank says

    did you colour grade the video or it is original

  40. Partho Roy says

    Mumbaiker nikhil squad

  41. Gary Kostik says

    What lenses did you use for this?

  42. Galen Yang says

    I am not a vedio maker and neither really interested in GH5 line because I am still looking for A7S3. But I added Slovenia on my traveling wishlist after watching this review. Nice review dude.

  43. Keiny Lai says

    Goes to show the slow-motion. Shows the most extremely boring footage he could possibly get.

  44. NBW DOUGHBOY says

    Great video

  45. Edge Digital Media says

    It's so funny hearing everyone whining about the lack of IBIS. This technology is only a year or two old! Red doesn't have IBIS. Arri doesn't have IBIS. C300 doesn't have IBIS. FS7 doesn't have IBIS. 5D4, 1DXii, Black Magic Ursa Mini Pro on and on… none of these cameras have IBIS. Don't stress so much about the specs. This is a great camera and the extra frame rates and low light are well worth it.

  46. Bharat Varsha says

    none of the shots look natural.

  47. ReneV says

    Which lensen are u using?

  48. Rykerography says

    1:26 heart of the ass))

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