Jessica and Tiffany’s High School Teacher reveals old pictures of them


Photos of Jessica Jung and Girls’ Generation’s Tiffany’s high school days surfaced online after a teacher showed them to their students. Jessica Jung and Tiffany attended Korea Kent Foreign School in Seoul, South Korea. The private school for also being the alumni school of other Korean singers, including Jessica’s sister Krystal of f(x), Jessi, and BoA. Jessica Jung and Tiffany attended Korea Kent Foreign School in Seoul, South Korea. The private school for also being the alumni school of other Korean singers, including Jessica’s sister Krystal of f(x), Jessi, and BoA.

  1. 야나야 says

    oh my fany 😂😂

  2. Ruth adutwumwaa Boateng says

    with all this she betrayed her at the end of the what the point in all of this nonsense

  3. Megu X says

    Jessica so pretty

  4. Greytness _ says

    Jessica had plastic surgery

  5. Kavya says

    Born in the same hospital and went to the same high school miss these two so much

  6. NoctLightCloud says

    Luckily their surgery is not so obvious (only when you compare them with some older pics) so that I still find them very pretty now. Unlike the rapper of EXID, or Kwanghee or J-Hope who had extremely obvious rhinoplasty with a spikey nose that I dislike a lot, the idols in SM were seemingly blessed with a lot of money and thus very good surgeons, so that their changes aren't really in-your-face obvious. I can't think of anyone in SM who turned out ugly after a surgery.

  7. Anne Castaneda says

    Are they known to be trainees in their school?

  8. weirdo says


  9. Mina says

    Well guess what ?!?I hate School !

  10. Reveluvarmy says

    A beautiful fate it is.
    Used to born in the same hospital and studied in the same school.

    Then become an Idols under the same company and gather in the same group. Such a nice bless it is.

    I hope they are still friends. <33 miss both of this girls :')

  11. JJ says

    Tiffany definitely lost a ton of weight.

  12. Tina Liu says

    I love Jessica so much, she was still pretty and gorgeous in high school!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤

  13. Mantiz s says

    I am sone but i really dont think she would leave snsd…if so why would she even want a solo debut??

  14. JDT says

    what a small world. they already met before they join snsd

  15. officiallykpopped says

    the wonders of ps…just look at how different tiffany looks like now…not hating just saying the obvious…

  16. JustMyStyle says

    There were no Jungs' or Hwangs' when I was in high school.
    Wrong part of the country I guess. Too bad.

  17. dweeds says

    both platic surgery

  18. chey grevi says

    tiffany? she looks like had a plastic surgery..

  19. UltJihyosus says

    Comment about Jessica

    Sees a shit ton of Tiffany fans calling her a snake for no reason

    I am not surprised.

  20. eli.TUNE says

    how could you hate Biology!! xD

  21. Ronald Chan says

    So those "other" pics of their younger days are fake? I assume those old school pics (in this video) are pre-debut/pre-trainee.

  22. Miss Eiza says

    worst video.. shit

  23. Zaheera Irdina Zafuan says

    they look same just right now (i love them) ( sorry bad eng)

  24. Taehyung PseudoMaknaeOfBTS says

    Cry me rivers

  25. cosmicjihyeon says

    I also hate biology so many things to memorize 😂😂😂 Chemistry is waaayyy better and challenging lol

  26. they are going to have a comeback right cant wait………………………

  27. nekohanten0910 says

    And here I thought Tiffany would be remembered for her dancing and Jessica remembered for her singing haha

  28. Kaiya 。。 says

    Same about the biology thing Tiff

  29. alia li says

    jessica was really pretty then and looked more like krystal😍😍, wonder why she went through plastic surgery😢😢 and tiffany lost weight and shs still is pretty 😍😍

  30. Jay Al says

    I hate every subject except 🤔😑 there's no exception


    Tiffany look like she has plastic surgery along with Jessica. Both of them look different.

  32. Okayyy Chweee says

    They should find Jessi's since she went there too.

  33. Shawarma says

    I remember Tiffany wrote, "You'll regret not dating me in high school."

  34. Moon,12:04am says

    my american gurls lol

  35. Ann Abonado says

    jessica said In her latest interview that she left group but she said in her post before that snsd members and SM kicked her out of group…now it's clear that she lied in the 1st place and also she lied about having a relationship with Tyler kwon but admit it after so many months years…i was so sad on how did fans do to taeyeon ,to SM and other snsd members…pathetic😯😯😯

  36. ugh, your mind says

    jdkgkfjdkgmmcmf what a time to be alive 🙁

  37. nh mh says

    ew omg… Tiffany surely did some plastic surgeries LOL

  38. celestialvelvets says

    wth is "hip n happenin" stephanie pls 😂

  39. Estef Ch says

    They're hardly recognizable. Jessica a little more than Tiffany, it's crazy how much Korean plastic surgery changes a person but can still make you look natural.

  40. Hani Yolo says

    It's the same school where clc's sorn went to

  41. bankaispirits says

    i hate physics and chemistry, but biology was cool cuz we used the lab, and got to do experiments..and learned crap about how and what the human body does

  42. BTS and Apink says

    I think the romours are true…Tiffany undergo plastic surgery it is so clear…😲😲😲

  43. aurtora says

    'Jessica the dancer' :''D r u kidding me

  44. Yuri Sakura says

    Jessica and Tiffany are soulmates they were born in the same hospital, went to the same high school without really knowing each other before debuting/training for SM. I miss JeTi so much 😭

  45. Reddyice100 says

    MY HEART 💔

  46. Senorita , says

    Woow how many surgeries Tiffany have done! Her face looks different

  47. Zero Omar says

    Was the last part in the real obituary?Jessica the Dancer doesn´t sound right.

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