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A initially learned photography as a kid shooting black & white then developing the photos in a dark room, that was a magical time and sparked my interest in photography. As I got older I dabbled in digital photography but wasn't until my kids were born that i really started to get an active interest back in it all.
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I am selling my drone which comes with an extra batter, car charger and case. Please let me know if you are interested.
Search in YouTube mi drone marriage footage.. here same video 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Here diji….. Any side mi 4k……
Do you take any type of permissions or something from police , for commencement of ur work ?
Bro shooting ny jamat yevhdi khas tula
Drone stop hotoy madhi madhi
Shooting jarasa bhi accha nahi hai or professional bhi nahi hai .👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
Which drone is the best of weddings &Cinimatic videos pls tell me sir
Send me your what's up number
Nice sir
Operating is fail
Very irresponsible and any problems would result in a serious bang on the head for someone below. This is not a good idea!
Kabira best song ever
Mast re bhava 👍👍👍
What is your contact number?
Nice but not so movement and gimble motion is too shaky..
You have no idea.. how to operate drone
Nice man…I will probably buy for my vlogs…..
Inside drone footage is not enough. It's built for outside.
Please do not fly in indoor
nice music❤👌
Quality not good
Because of u dji company gets bad name
Y do u need the drone . When u don’t know to handle it 🙄😡😡
[19/05, 20:15] Sarvjeet Kumar:
हसने के लिए तैयार हो
तो ए बिडिओ जरूर देखना
[21/05, 22:13] Sarvjeet Kumar:
भाई आप लोगो के आशीर्वाद से
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isse ach toh mein hi uda leta hoon bhai acchi nahi lagi video u need more practice
For new melodious lovely never heard type music check out my YouTube channel.
Brother try more practice by operating again and again and use two fingers for one stick for better handling smoothness and do waypoints if there is intelligent option in Mavic pro 👍
I loved it
Music 🎶…. supperb!
Mavic ka jabab nahi how stable the drone also I have it dji mavic love it
bhai bhut badiya
May I know the rate of drone
not at all a cinematic approach
What is the name of this music
Nice music