Portrait photo reviews with LINDSAY ADLER! (TC LIVE)


Submit your portrait NOW at
Pick up Lindsay Adler’s Master Studio Lighting video series at
BONUS: This includes Linday’s Seeing the Light video training…a $40 value!

Joining us this week – portrait/fashion photog Lindsay Adler! You’ve seen her stunning portraits in Marie Claire, Elle Magazine, Harper’s Bazaar and more.

See Lindsay’s awesome work at
Follow Lindsay’s inspiring Insta:

Submit your portrait photo NOW at We’ll show the best of the early submissions, and then as many live submissions as possible.

  1. 808Island Life says

    Wow, that was amazingly informative. I never realized how much it took to elevate an exceptional picture into a world class image. Thanks.

  2. daehxxiD says

    Wow, so much input. Thanks! My personal model also approves πŸ˜€

  3. Jen O'Hogan says

    That was great!

  4. Howie Dunbar says

    Sam is a pretty woman. I would have liked to have seen her submit a self portrait.

  5. Eva PM says

    The awesome Lindsay Adler! Your talent is beyond amazing

  6. Jigsaw407 says

    Fake eyelashes are unattractive. Period. Doesn't matter what size they are. So don't bother wearing them. Sometimes it's hilarious to me what women think men find attractive. πŸ˜‰ Hint: french style fingernails aren't either. The thought alone of what muck be might sticking under there… blegh! πŸ˜€ Just be yourself, ladies, without all these silly artificial extensions/enlargements! That's attractive!

  7. Arthur Coon says

    Great show! Thanks!

  8. rusty padlock says

    That was one of the best videos on photography I have ever watched.

  9. Bork Bork says

    I kinda hope that they bring back the old start time. It's just hard for me to wake up at 4am after a long thursday on campus πŸ™

  10. Waynos Fotos says

    Excellent and informative vid, thanks everyone!

  11. Waynos Fotos says

    β€œNICE shoulders”, would it feel the same, coming from Tony? Lol

  12. 1BigBucks1 says

    Lindsay is the bomb. Super helpful and informative.

  13. M7CVZ says

    Lindsay is solid. Ironic for her to be on a show with two non-photographers.

  14. Jon Barnard says

    Great episode!

  15. Catmonkey says

    Amazing photographer! Love Lindslay Adler's critiques and tips

  16. Mark Austin says

    Loved it… learned a lot. But please, stop scrolling all over the place. Slow Down. And when the guest is giving critic, please let them speak and don't edit what they are talking about. It is so distracting. Love the idea…. but please….. please….. slow down.

  17. David Willoughby says

    One of my heroes loved it. If you could get Joe McNally next I would be in heaven. Thanks

  18. Susan Slattery says

    OMG, I am always shooting wide open… gonna try f/11 for portraits

  19. patrick diaz says

    I'm really sad I missed this.

  20. Kevin Bradshaw says

    Love Lindsay Adler! So talented and informative.

  21. Soumyajit Sanyal says

    I love this show and can never watch it live because it airs around 4am in my country… On a weekday!

  22. Toby Finke says

    What is next week's theme?

  23. ottawamountainman says

    I’d love to shoot at F11 is studio. But I also love eye-auto detect. I’m shoot Sony miroirless. I find the focusing system misses a lot at such small aperture. It is insanely good wide open.

  24. KMMOS1 says

    Her positive attitude toward work is attractive, but twice a month shooting is not enough. Ranging through lighting settings with various subjects, a short daily set of exercises within a controlled environment as photo drills like musical scales or writing prompts builds skills.

  25. Guy Jordan says

    Great content and conversational tone.

  26. Ed S says

    Lindsay is a great guest!

  27. Adria Taylor says

    I'm wondering for these live streams if there are certain criteria for a portrait live stream, like specific category of portraits? tonight's was more staged/model type of portraits that were submitted over candid portraits. The submission of photos seem to go along with who the guest photographer is during the live stream. I always do enjoy these live streams when i do join in and the guest photographer and what they have to say about the photos. Hope there is a infant photo critique soon.

  28. Daniel Johnston says

    I think critiques are great learning tools, but honestly, I think professional photographers notice things that 99% of non photographers would never give a second thought to. So who are we taking photos for, other photographers, ourselves, or non photographers (clients)? Not sure all critiques are as valuable as some think they are.

  29. Benjamin Pyke says

    The pursuit of perfection that Lindsay is critiquing too takes all the emotion out of the images and while her images have a level of perfection they feel plastic and emotionless , there’s no feeling

  30. Edward Alexander says

    Wow best guest ever, after Sam. I love sam. πŸ˜†πŸ˜€

  31. Michael Ma says

    Mind blown. So many great tips in one video.

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