Biology: Cell Structure I Nucleus Medical Media


This animation by Nucleus shows you the function of plant and animal cells for middle school and high school biology, including organelles like the nucleus, nucleolus, DNA (chromosomes), ribosomes, mitochondria, etc. Also included are ATP molecules, cytoskeleton, cytoplasm, microtubules, proteins, chloroplasts, chlorophyll, cell walls, cell membrane, cilia, flagellae, etc.

Watch another version of this video, narrated by a teacher, here:


Watch other Nucleus Biology videos:
– Controlled Experiments:
– Independent vs. Dependent Variables:
– Active Transport:


Learn more about the company that created this video:

This animation won a Platinum Best of Show Aurora Award in 2016.

  1. Abdullah Abbas says

    I got a question for who dislike this an amazing video "what's you feeling "?πŸ˜’

  2. Earth Angels says

    3.3k stupid people dislike this video

  3. Simona Santonocito says

    I'm an Italian student but I can understand everything so easily even if it's an English Biology lesson! Great video and great explanation πŸ’ͺ🏻😍

  4. Sakari Peltola says

    The nucleus is not the control center of a cell. It does absolutely nothing without the signals from the environment. It has the genes and they are transcripted according to the outer circumstances. The genes are ”a tool box” of possible ways to handle the environment.

  5. Arsalan Aslam says

    very helpfull video #amazing

  6. Silvus Sol says

    As an Anatomy & Physiology teacher; I'd like to remind everyone that is saying something along the lines of "this video is so much better than my teacher" to keep in mind that your teacher doesn't have access to an entire animation team. Nor do they have weeks or months to prepare for a single 7 minute presentation. That said, since they don't have that, they should show this video (and videos like it) in class. The YouTube stigma in education needs to go. Some really great stuff can be found here.

  7. aneetta sam says

    Really impressive… Love it!!!

  8. Santosh Jha says

    That's superb πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚β˜Ίβ˜Ί

  9. Noor Azizi says

    I have my biology test tomorrow…pheww….exhausted..
    This video really help me alottt..ty😁

  10. Noah Joseph says

    Humans have mitochondria

  11. Dilip Kumar Saxena says

    Thanks and excellent explanation .

  12. Godofredo Caetano says


  13. Bm Bijayanee says


  14. Tinned Science says

    My compliments,
    this video is amazing

  15. jitendra verma says

    Very nice explanation πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘Œ

  16. Nir Kum says

    Best animation n clearly explained about cell… Tx alot

  17. Gagan Gulati says

    Awesome video sir ……….. πŸ’―

  18. B R A I N. C E L L S says

    Shoutout to whoever did these visuals

  19. Avan Atroshy says

    Great job πŸ€“πŸ‘πŸ’™

  20. Jean Chareton says

    Absolutely excellent! Thank you for helping me with my science test!

  21. Rampal Saini says

    Very helping video for me thank you

  22. Anju Devi says

    You are best

  23. Patrick Steil says

    An absolute miracle!!! Crazy how wonderfully complex and well designed β€œsimple” cells are!

    Really great evidence for a designer!

  24. Velayutham Pichaiyan says

    I understood easily, Its too tough when i taught myselfπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜€πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„

  25. Bhaswat Pritam Sarma says

    Unimaginable things
    Concept clear
    Thnq sir

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