1. Patricia Mahoney says

    I am not a fan of President Obama, but clearly he was responding to a statement and it was a friendly gesture and nothing more. Sometimes conspiracy theories are manufactured.

  2. John Kavamba says

    0:03 i'm crying …..

  3. Romi Dogra says

    he is enjoying himself in a way that is utterly devoid of the humility in a gentleman. and yes, this upstart propped up by liberals and blacks, is making a very clear Shahada gesture. the nerve of the man is remarkable! But then, so is the stupidity of the Americans who watch in mute concern. 

  4. Stu Tarlowe says

    What irks me just as much as Obama's one-finger gesture (affirming the Shahada) is his walk and his body language; he is just so very self-consciously "cool" and so very full of himself…

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