DIY Photography Studio Reflector Holder and One Light Portrait Lighting Tutorial


I have TWO solutions for building DIY photography studio reflector holders for less than 10 bucks – for both! I will also show you a cool studio lighting tutorial and inexpensive way to create a broad light modifier for your speedlight or monolight for only a dollar!

I have been getting lots of requests for more DIY portrait studio gear so as follow-up to the PVC portrait background stand, I want to show you a real easy way to create a set of reflector holders that are even easier to use than the expensive ones.

The two holders support Gobos and flags. A Gobo goes between your light source and your subject and its used to alter or shape the light. A flag also goes between your light and your subject to block the light from reaching a part of your scene or it is used between your light and your camera to prevent light from reaching the camera lens and creating unwanted flare.

DIY Background Stand:
Walmart Reflector:

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FTC Disclosure: No sponsors have paid for or provided equipment or material shown in this video
#ishootpeople #joeedelman

  1. D. Brown says

    Joe, I know "fill the frame," but what do you mean by "shoot heavy?"

  2. MGTOW Slim says

    I don't know why cable t.v. is still in business when individuals, such as yourself, make superior content. Thank you for all that I have learned from your channel.

  3. Dominic Wroblewski says

    To make life easier when cutting the threads A) get a 1/4 20 by 3/4 inch self tapping screw and reuse it. For a better option get a 13/64 twist drill bit and a 1/4 20 starter tap from a hardware store. You may also want to get a 5/16 drill and 3/8 16 starter tap since these are common sizes used for photo gear.

  4. Jeannie Furgerburger says

    Pretty genius!! Nice!!

  5. André Adami says

    In Europe you pay 60€ for a reflector holder.. weired. Thanks for your recommemdation!

  6. drutgat2 says

    Many thanks for this.

  7. Asgard Studios says

    Great build, Joe! Thanks for sharing. I'm heading to Home Depot 🙂

  8. Andoni Bourdin says

    You rocks..

  9. Studio Classic Image says


  10. Ricardo H. Tomić says

    GENIAL !!! , UNA MARAVILLA !!!! Regards from Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina!

  11. Hustle Hard Campaign says

    Wait can someone please help me understand how they're fitting a female adapter onto their stand?! Since it's just the skinny screw on top, I have no clue how he's fitting that huge adapter around that. #plzhelp!

  12. Vocalizedthemc says

    bro that transition at 3:18 was brilliantly done!

  13. Andrew Lee says

    Thank you

  14. Katy Rogers says

    Doing all my catching up on YouTube… I knew that you demonstrated a simple setup without all the fancy modifiers. I think this will be my Xmas break project!

  15. Felipe Gomes says

    I am learning a lot with your videos, thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience, mate!

  16. Akshay K says

    Sir I like your video and it is very helpful for beginners

  17. GermanoJr says

    Great Joe. When I go back to Brazil in the next year I will do it.

  18. Robert Lipman says

    Joe — you're awesome!

  19. I&E Fox says

    Thank so much sir

  20. Joe Symchyshyn says

    Great video and ideas – the right solution doesn't always have to be the expensive one.

    One technical thing… at the 5:00 point… Spelling mistake. Flare for lighting doesn't have an i. Flare spelled Flair means stylishness, like say having purple nail polish 😉

    I enjoy your videos – keep up the great job! 🙂

  21. wurlitzr says

    Love all of your DIY studio equipment videos. I have always wanted to do portrait photography and am just starting out and your pvc stands are going to be the most economical way for me to go. Thanks for your videos.

  22. patriciamarcin says

    YOU Joe- ARE A GENIUS! I am hooked on you!! THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU DO FOR US! <3

  23. Nakudan12 says

    Hi Joe, I was wondering if there was a way I could use these design specs with one of the new and more rounder reflectors that you get pretty cheap on Amazon as I think the holders may need some tightening?

  24. inlinuxdude says

    That looks great! I'd advise caution when using the tablesaw though. The method in the video has finger literally about an inch from the blade. That is how fingers are lost. Since it's a "T" fitting, it'd be easy to insert a piece of PVC into the T and use that to push, enabling your fingers to stay far away from the blade..

  25. recipien D says

    you channel is a photography uni. you are the best

  26. Vikas Maan says

    ..Thanks Joe, that's really helpful…

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