Did PM Modi Use Digital Camera And Email In 1988?| Countdown With Rajdeep Sardesai


India Today’s Anti Fake News War room busts PM Modi’s claim of using Email in 1988. Watch the full report here.
#PMModi #EmailIn1988 #FakeNewsbuster #Countdown #RajdeepSardesai

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  1. Robin J says

    BC TATA intra


    What nonsense is that? Totally garbage, stupid pm shameful

  3. AASH ROZARIO says

    Why LK adwani still silent

  4. John Alex says

    Mr. Modi is a sarcastic. Along with dat he is complete politician who wants to jump on the seat crossing our great leaders like, Jawaharlal Nehru, M.K. Gandhi and Indira Gandhi. He can do at any cost by deceiving people in terms of Hinduism. Now presently he has laid his bed in Kedarnath Yatra. This is our PM.

  5. Shahani Sham says


  6. Explorer Adventurer says

    What is clearly missing is that people have forgotten the good habit of giving benefit of doubt, when one uses the word "shayad"… I can clearly figure that PM meant 1987-98… The time he mentioned and the fact that email was accesible to very few people fits perfectly.

    I have seen and used digital camera in 2000 a big one from Sony (costing β‚Ή90000) but roughly half in size than what PM mentioned. So 2-3 years gap fits well.

    Anyway it is incosequential compared to "β‚Ή72000 per year" or "β‚Ή72000 per month" or β‚Ή72000 crore per year in account" statement given by one PM-ship contender at different times.

    Please start calling me Bhakts… I need to borrow some bhakti from people who even drink tea by factually checking its temperature by getting it peer reviewed by India Today.

  7. Bikram Aditya Birua says

    Rajnikanth- Where is my baseball, hockey stick???

  8. My Daddy says

    Joker. Hacked EVM to becum CM n now proving himself he is a big regret to the whole Hindus of India. I regret having him as my CM…

  9. Mathew John says

    87 Digital camera is 56 Inch in width….?


    God gave pm post to modi
    To know
    How stupid he is

  11. John Padu says

    FEKU news feku modi!


    Modi was so poor which bank gave him loan to purchase digital camera.

    I think modi has went under coma.

  12. Alfred R Jai says

    Just a simple question…Why i should not call this N modi is an anti-INDIAN constitution practitioner.? HE NEVER WENT TO ANY OF THE MUSLIMS FRATERNITY AND TOOK PART. WHAT DOES HE THINK OF HIMSELF?

  13. George Stephen says

    Truth cannot be denied unfortunately Mr. Modiji got CAUGHT in his media statement…. Is it possible being a Prime Minister of this GREAT NATION telling lies, such a jumlas…. Making us fool same trick?

    He must apologise to the NATION for telling LIES….


  14. Vivek Ranjan says

    It is not only poor knowledge but it is his belief that people of India will believe in each and every thing he says, as he made people to believe that he has descended on this earth as aparavathar of Ram and only he can do good for India and no one else. It is his aham which is making him speak like this.

  15. Supreme Power says

    Modi failed to remember the years and mis quoted . What's a big take on this. It could well be late 90s.Afterall he has served 12years as cm and 5years as pm . If you could say he has never used email digicam and he is lying then there is something in it but this is only about misquoting the years.Forget and forgive πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

  16. Aswatha Kumar N R says


  17. Aswatha Kumar N R says

    Wow, fantastic, mind blowing, unbelievable, super, great PM of India. President Trump may follow Modi soon.

  18. mariaraj savarimuthu says

    Stupidity of highest degree.

  19. Jey s says

    Lier …. False promises is his strength

  20. Ja As says

    Chal Jhootha…… πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

  21. sreetheja amilineni says

    When mark Zuckerberg invented Facebook he already had friend request awaiting from MODI🀣🀣

  22. Mar Ozzy says

    No need for fact check every single person in India knows tat he s lying

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