Jasmine Star Shoots The Knot Dream Wedding Ceremony

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When The Knot put together their dream team to pull off a dream wedding, Jasmine Star and team were selected to photograph the event.

In this clip, you get to see how Jasmine shoots an immaculate wedding during a photographer’s nightmare: harsh summer sun, at high noon.

To learn more from Jasmine, check out The Complete Wedding Photographer Experience on CreativeLive:

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  1. N. S. says

    That clicking sound must be so annoying to the guests youre standing right beside. It probably ruined any sentimental moment they were having.

  2. Bryan Little says

    This is amazing. What I have been looking for- uncut, raw…who would not like this?

  3. Bree B says

    From 9:40 the photographer and the videographer behind the bride when she is walking in is the worst place to stand :/ they are in all the shots… need to be told off

  4. Brian Todd says

    I agree with the comments about the terrible conditions in place by The Knot…the timing, the lighting, all the people in the way, etc. But, like much of YouTube, I don't think people understand the purpose of the Like/Dislike buttons. Jasmine did a great job with the awful conditions put in place by The Knot. You should be supporting Jasmine with Likes for what she did, not Dislikes for what The Knot did. And for those saying it's a misleading title, Jasmine is only titling it exactly what The Knot is calling it. I feel bad for Jasmine, and if I were her, I would never shoot for The Knot again unless she has total control of the setting.

  5. Ruslan Iskhakov says

    00:50 the cameraman is definitely a guy

  6. Pete Khamphila says

    This video gave me cancer.

  7. Sherri Braunstadter says

    You totally impressed me with your flexibility and unflappability in this shoot! Please do more videos of your shooting processes!!

  8. edgar alonso says

    Good job, keep practicing, it is good to go to photography classes remember… it is very important to have two cameras. A telephoto lens like the one you have and a wide angle lens like the 24-70mm. You keep shooting!!

  9. jane doe says

    You did an awesome job for such challenging conditions

  10. Ross says

    Focus beep left on and silent shutter mode not engaged; really??!!

  11. colourful64able says

    You could use ocf. That would fix all that lighting issues

  12. indrajit ghosh says

    Excellent…. Much Love

  13. Frederick Kharjana says

    You talked so fast… I like the vid thought

  14. Flavio Presutti says

    Dream Wedding? At that time of the day, with that harsh light?
    mmmmm … the pictures are looking really bad! Not the blame of the photographer, but the title of the video it is incorrect!

  15. Ser Winzzalot says

    Thanks for the vid and great bts access!

  16. Wilson Newman says

    I think there may have been more videographers and photographers there than at a Creative Live class. The way you can tell is that they are in every shot of the bride walking down the aisle. My favorite is the guy (and his assistant and/or producer) with the giant camera and white shirts.

    Probably hired by Adobe Photoshop.

    Seriously, though, good work under hard conditions.

  17. Ser Winzzalot says

    Starbucks much?

  18. Kurt Langer says

    Cant believe you have the focus sound on your camera turned on. I would be cracking up if I was a guest at all those photographers and videographers.

  19. Chidi Ekweonu says

    Great work, I bet only u must have gone home with like 1500 shots. I love your lens. Keep up the Good Job…please how many videographers were there???

  20. Jill Clardy says

    Definitely demonstrates how hard the main photographer has to work to be on the mark and get the images real-time since there are no "do-overs"!

  21. Jill Clardy says

    They should have given the officiant a mark to stand on; it really bugs me that he was so off center in the aisle.

  22. Jill Clardy says

    It seems that many of the images from the ceremony are going to have another photographer or videographer in the scene; I suppose that's the cost of being chosen for "The Knot"!

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