Family Photo Day with 9 KIDS! (2018) – Big Family Portrait, Full day of Fun!

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Family Photo Day with 9 KIDS! (2018) – Big Family Portrait, Full day of Fun!

Our entire family spending the morning getting ready for family photos, then we head to the mall to the portrait studio and for lunch big family. This is our first family photo with Jacob! Amazingly, everyone was able to stay clean, and was looking and smiling for the camera.

Keep up with our family of 11 by Subscribing to follow Ema and the gang on our adventures a few times a week! Please Comment, Like & Share to help us share our journey with anyone that would like to be a part!

Thank you!

Twitter: @FamilySizeFun

Wanna know what life is like for a fun family of 11? People ask all the time what it’s like to have such a large family. You’ve come to the right place! We’d absolutely love to share our family with you. Our daily videos are family friendly and include Mack’s Snacks (Mackenzie loves to cook and this playlist shares some of our favorite recipes), “Ema! Somewhere in the Middle”, which is a video blog (vlog) showing fun family activities narrated from the perspective of our energetic daughter Emalee, and a series of fun activities, challenges and other life events. We have 9 kids: Mackenzie, Dominic, Emalee, Lauren, Elias, Zachariah, Benjamin, Jordan and our new baby, Jacob!
They range in age from 13 to 3 months. We absolutely love to seize the day and have fun playing and learning as a family.

Thank you so much for visiting our channel. We really love reading your comments! Please subscribe and set the Bell to see our daily videos and enjoy being a part of our happy family!

  1. Jessica Wenrich says

    This is the first time I watched your vids and I love you guys already

  2. Jordan Rebecca says

    I love the pictures, ema actully looked like me when i was little, shes so pretty if i do say so my self. and my name is jordan too! so many connections!

  3. Samadhi :] says

    Great video can you guys do a house or a room tour

  4. Sam Corona says

    The photos turned out great!😀 the the babys are soo cute!

  5. Draco Malfoy says


  6. Draco Malfoy says

    Hello I am back from last time they all look super sure

  7. Ev&Cam says

    Once we had family photos and my little brother decided he wanted to touch a bike in our workout room and got covered in oil

  8. Family Size Fun says

    Hello!! Thank you so much for watching our video and learning what life is like for a family of 11. Please SUBSCRIBE, Share & Like and join our fun journey! New videos every day!

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