7 FALLS in 7 DAYS: Part 2 – Concluding My NATURE Photography Challenge


I just finished editing my photos from the other 5 Central New York waterfalls of my 7-Falls in 7 Days Nature Challenge.

Join me on my wanderlust journey as I conclude my waterfall hunting adventure. I have a couple tips for how to photograph waterfalls throughout the video.

If you want to do your own 7-Day Challenge, see the 7 Day Nature Photo Challenge Kick-Off Video:

My 7-Day Nature Photo Challenge Rules:
► The Challenge THEME is NATURE.
► You have 7 days to shoot any 7 nature-related photos.
► All challenge participants will receive my FREE ‘Nature’ LUT
► The 7 day challenge winner, decided by popular vote, will win an additional FREE Run N Gun color grading LUT.

If you’d like to be included in the vote to WIN, email me your photo links at: RunNGunPhoto(at)gmail(dot)com

Gear Used to create this Video:
► Panasonic GH5:
► Zoom H4N:
► Nikon 14-24mm F2.8:
► Nikon 70-200mm F2.8 v1:

SUBSCRIBE to Run N Gun for more 3D LUTS, photography tips & tricks and challenges!
(It’s FREE, what have you got to lose??)

Until next time, Get Out & Go Shoot NATURE PHOTOS!

  1. LifeOfBD says

    Did you only go with one other person?

  2. Frank Matthew says

    Great channel bro

  3. David Pear says

    Those pics are wicked and great positive spirit my friend! Love it, subscribed for more 🙂

  4. Dimitris Tsakiris says

    Very inspirational!Great footage!You using a nikon D3!Respect!

  5. Shaun Spyker says

    love the B roll on this one man, real great work! Some beautiful snaps there too. 👍

  6. Amber W says

    Love it! Makes me want to get out on a hike!

  7. Run N Gun says

    That challenge was fun, but a LOT of work! Any ideas for the next photo challenge?

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