1. William Mcvicar says


  2. Sarkazical says

    So if we were able to see things 3D, could we see the entire object? Like, if we dont know what the back of an object looks, a person who would be able to see in 3D can look at all the sides at once?

  3. Olad Mada says


  4. SHAZAM of the leaf says

    Why the hell is this recommended for me?

  5. RRZZA says

    Mr.beast voice

  6. Mancer99 says

    Vsauce wants to know your location

  7. BlazingGhost says

    yt's recommendations are just getting weirder.

    Smart kid though.

  8. Isaiah Edwards says

    I’m too high for this

  9. Acility says

    YouTube recommendation for this video

    2010: Nope

    2011: Nope

    2012: Nope Again

    2013: Noppeeee

    2014: Not This Year, My Friend

    2015: Not this year too

    2016: Same as Last time

    2017: Not Again

    2018: Maybe Next time

    2019: Yep

  10. URB-X-TV says

    This kid just blew my mind!

  11. Anselmo Ventura says

    This is before kids were eating tide pods

  12. Ritik Khilnani says

    He's probably watched Rick and Morty season 4 already.

  13. cassidy blu says

    Why are his pupils so big

  14. Morethanlife 2020 says

    This kids is awesome .. I’m 32 and I don’t sound that smart 😒

  15. SantasBlumpkin says

    Man kids with Aspergers make the rest of us look retarded

  16. Queen Zey says

    why is this on my recommended? not that I'm complaining.

  17. Luis Velazquez says

    When the adderall kicks in 🙇‍♂️

  18. MONTANA 71 says

    His voice does not fit the face of him xd

  19. Gad Corazón de León says

    close but you overlooked a small thing: logic. This is not a coloquilism, I mean READ THE ORGANUM!!!

  20. John Derrick says

    this is what being high feels like

  21. Dee Cee says

    My IQ isn't high enough to understand this.

  22. Liquid Asylum says

    This is how I use to think when I was tweaking

  23. Mark Alpasan says

    My head hurts😨😲

  24. kendell glock says

    Watched this on acid, thanks.

  25. Durty Sanchez says

    Since I'm watching this video on my flat phone screen, I'm basically sitting on my couch in the 3rd dimension, looking through the 1st dimension, watching you talk about the 4th dimension.. But in reality the 4th dimension is actually the 3rd. There is "zero" A.K.A the beginning. Thus zero = the 1st dimension, 3rd dimension is really the 4th! (Prove me wrong;)

  26. callie pearl says

    i want to know where this dude is now

  27. T N says

    Back when justin bieber was famous

  28. Tsi Shadow says

    The 7th dimension is a bit more complicated than you thing :brakes the 4th wall

  29. S_C_X_R says

    Mans is really W O K E

  30. hutsyAUS says

    @cgpgrey Is this your first YouTue channel?

  31. xXK_THEBEASTXx says

    *confusion has entered the chat

  32. Plasma Shark77 says

    These comments are the best! 😂😂😂😂

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