WEDDING GEAR – What I shoot with!?




MusicBed –
Artlist –


SIGMA 35mm 1.4 –
CANON 70-200 F2.8 –
CANON 16-35mm F2.8 –
CANON 5D mark 3 –
CANON 50mm 1.4 –

Check out my wedding photography & videography website and instagram.

  1. Teppo Haapoja says

    Whats your FAVOURITE wedding gear?

  2. PM says

    What about áudio ?

  3. Akinyemi Toheeb says

    wow this is lovely

  4. Paulo André Carvalho says

    Why not use at least the amazing 12-35 2.8 or the 35-100 2.8 for that even better DUAL IS?

  5. glass popper says

    Where can we see your wedding work?

  6. Arnoud Klop says

    Hey Teppo, cool that you learn us al this stuff. I started filming because of all your tips of your brother and now I see your channel. Because I started I have booked my first wedding in oktober:) Can you give us tips for your first wedding. Would be really happy with that video;)

  7. PixelFiend says

    do you shoot log or cinelike D?

  8. Dave Donovan says

    Hey Teppo, great video!!
    I was wondering why you and Matti use both an 18-35 or 16-35 and a 35mm prime lens. Why do you prefer another 35mm prime when the zoom lens can reach 35mm, why not a 50mm? Is it just for the 1.4? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! Thanks!!

  9. John Paul Alquisola says

    how many cameras u use in weddings?

  10. Chris Mckay says

    This is super inspiring for me, someone wanting to venture into wedding photography and videography this year. I was convinced I needed a 5d to even go near weddings but your footage is incredible all with the Sigma and the gh5. Wow. Thank you.

  11. Matteo_oz says

    what metabones have you used? The 35 mm became an 50 mm ff equivalent on m4/3?

  12. HappyFilmsCa says

    hello thanks for sharing! great video

    the lens link you provided is for canon only or it can be used on the gh5 as well?

  13. UK Night Hunting Vision says

    You keep mentioning the Sigma 35 1.4 but I only see Sigma supply or produce a Sigma 30 1.4 in Micro 4/3rds Confused?

  14. Chelsey Wiggins says

    What’s ur opinion on someone just getting into filming using the gh5? I know it doesn’t have great auto focus so I would need to learn manual but it has good image stabilization

  15. Junay Jacobs says

    Great advice. Love the simplicity. New subscriber and new to wedding videography and photography

  16. Ricker Films says

    I've been shooting canons for years, I just ordered this and it comes tomorrow! Really excited for the ibis, as a solo shooter this seems like a dream of a camera!

  17. Nader Studio says

    Great page!
    I’ve borrowed the GH5 to test on a wedding and fell in love with the IBIS and was amazed at the daylight/exterior shots. My main concern was how it handled the reception with dimmed lighting…since I brought it with, hoping to squeeze test shots in various scenarios, I couldn’t due to time. I later purchased a speed booster and paired it with my Sigma 18-35, but having used it since wedding season is over for me. Would you say that with this setup on f 1.2 can handle high ISO in the average dimmed dance floor? I normally don’t setup lights as I aim to be discrete. Is the quality usable if I had to bump it to say 6400?

  18. QuicklyFit says

    I've seen many videos where people say to not go higher than 3200 iso on the gh5. What do you think about this?

    I mean you must shoot in low light conditions in churches and wedding receptions. Do you bring all kinds of lights with you or simply use higher than 3200 iso and use denoiser after?

  19. PRISM EYE MUSIC says

    I have steadycam . Should I shoot in autofocus or manual focus from gh5 !

  20. vreiunceai says

    Hi, how about gh5s, do you think is better then gh5 for weddings?

  21. Sauli Sukanen says

    Have you had trouble with the low light performance on the GH5 on your wedding shoots? Do you use some other camera on the darker scenes or just bump up the iso on the GH5? I'm considering to purchase GH5 for myself because of the stabilization and good price. I'm currently shooting with Nikon D7500 and well… It's not that great 😀

  22. go gadget says

    Great video, thanks mate.

  23. Adyxpro TM says

    so far spk u the best | with love

  24. Pablo Riv says

    Thanks for this video! From New Zealand!

  25. Olivier Joseph Maurice says

    Love your videos ! Question : you tell you shoot in 4k 24p and 4K 60p (no sound). It means you selected the 24Hz mode. Why don’t you use the 50Hz mode which allow you to shoot everything in 50p with sound ?

  26. alexandre koffi kan says

    Very great advice!thank you so much!🙏🏽 I'm getting started in Film-making and the issue with social media is that we get so caught up in the "more gear" loop! Got me lost!haha 😅 Less is more. 🙌🏽

  27. Ron Palacio says

    im really liking these videos

  28. Kristin Walton says

    This video is so helpful! Thank you for sharing!! 🙏🏼

  29. Erryn Akpinar says

    Great video Teppo, so much better than that Matti guy …jk

  30. Nils Ninja says

    Welcome Back another Haapoja 😃💪🏻


    Good stuff man. Would you suggest doing it free a couple times before charging? Especially if you're a rookie… or gain some experience doing other gigs before doing something this important for someone?

  32. PEMA DORJEE says

    Thanks bro

  33. Malo_ says

    Thank you Teppo this was worth every minute. this was much help. I just did my first wedding this weekend and this video helped so much.

  34. David James Wood says

    4:20 Gear information starts

  35. Tucker Tangeman says

    would you say your vlogging has helped expose your work and book more clients?

  36. Morris Gabo says

    when you do the videos in those weddings are you also shooting photos all at the same time? or you do just one or the other?

  37. Joemar Anacion says

    Hi Teppo. You just won a subscriber. Cool video. I really like what you said. Less gear the better.

  38. Ahmed Kanfer says

    Nice chic video.
    Why not to use the Panasonic 35-100 instead of the 70-200?

  39. NadaFresh says

    Any advice to start shooting weddings video with the gh5?

  40. Dhanes Soegondo says

    You don't bring any backup camera when shooting weedings?

  41. webster2016 says

    Are you related to Matti?

  42. Nikoleta Menyhártová says

    Hello, I would like to see a video about How you keep objects or people in focus, or how you use aperture when shooting wedding, because as we all know, GH5 does not have very reliable AF system. So I would be happy to see video about this! Keep it up, I like watching all your videos 🙂

  43. Quality Antics says

    Nice man! first video I watched of yours. I shoot weddings too.

    LOVE the Gh5. As you said the stabilisation is incredible.
    Keep up the great work .Cheers brother.

  44. Llayd Asim says

    Daaamn! Handheld for life! You're a true ninja Teppo. Thanks for this video, got me itching to shoot. What are your thoughts on lumix native lenses?

  45. Mark Shirley says

    Teppo I notice your using a speedbooster do you manually focus with it or AF.

  46. Zim Mhone says

    Ok. Once I start my channel we must collab. Started with weddings too. search weddingsonfilm here on Youtube. Canon XL1 all day all night. Now corporate

  47. Rubadubb says

    The examples you are showing truly looks amazing! Are all these GH5 footage? Are you using vlog for all this with your LUT's? 🙂 Keep it up!

  48. Roman Creates says

    Yea GH5 Squad!!!

  49. Josip Šadek says

    hey teppo, it is very interesting that you shoot weddings with that amount of gear. 🙂
    In the two weeks, my friends are getting married and I am shooting pictures for them. It is my first wedding and I am quite afraid. I have canon 60d with sigma 17-5 2.8 and I bought one flash. What do you think, is possible to "make it happened" with this camera? My next question is, how do you deliver your product, and how many pictures do you make?
    thank you for your time which you spend to make videos for us. 😉

  50. Matthew B says

    is this studio back in sydney or finland?

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