How to Retouch Portrait Photo Effects | Photoshop Camera Raw Tutorial


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So this is fav technique to edit portraits of your model to get soft light from top to bottom making it as more amazing photo effects. here i used photoshop camera to edit this image. main thing here is understand the light direction from top to bottom so i apply three gradient filter in bottom and tone mapping and final is using curve to blend this underexposure part and foggy look. thanks watching arunzCreation and for reading this

  1. Hemedi Ali says

    this tutorial is really helpful

  2. wow, its very easy, thank you too much

  3. Aarathi Krishnamurthy says

    lovely edit. what version of camera raw is it? can't find few icons.

  4. Chandrak says

    wow, a real genius artwork.

  5. ROB HOWARD says

    Nice, but whatever happened to voice? So much better when someone is explaining the actions…

  6. Fiammetta Segatori says

    the download is nontgood put the link please if you vantto help your follovers

  7. NUR SHANTO says

    nice job

  8. Sagar Mirajkar says

    can u please tell me where is raw filter??

  9. Paweł J says

    Nice work! Can you once again to put the project files?

  10. Iraqi Channel karar /Iraqick says

    nice work👌

  11. Sketten says

    Amazing video Guy!

  12. Jay Haze says

    Retouch Photo AKA Put a bunch of stars over a Portrait

  13. Ujjwal J says

    Nice, but would have been more useful if you had explained (by speaking!) what you were doing. Many not so advanced users would have benefited too.

  14. lazdude007 says

    Most excellent tutorial We should all be so lucky to have your tallent

  15. Ash Cha says

    so amazing!!! thanks!!

  16. aquarius says

    too photoshopped.

  17. Ionut marius says

    good work !

  18. Silva Rerison says

    project file?

  19. Archie Mee says

    Awesome. Thank you

  20. satya srinivas kumar says

    nice brother

  21. R4wlord 666 says

    drop box doesn't work???

  22. Deep Dark says

    mr arun u r so amazing .. plz i need this sparkling light texture 🙁

  23. Osama Al Balooshi says

    it's amazing! thanks a lot!

  24. Nishant Rajani Karhadkar says

    awesome.. never knew camera raw could do so many cool things :O

  25. Amol Nagapure says

    cud nt find camera raw filter …hlp me

  26. Juanpa Martinez says

    broke link, where you get the particle lights? nice job arun kumar

  27. Atalanta says

    Shop yapılmamış hali daha güzel bence

  28. Juang Stanley says

    Is there the spark synthetic material can download it?

  29. Rafael Brocco says


  30. Bruno Bottecchia says

    Thanks Bro!

  31. Rol Philippe says

    Super merci beaucoup

  32. Marcia Barcelli says

    Please i can´t download file, i want

  33. Geff Prod says

    Awesome, thanks man ! What's the song ?

  34. Christina James says

    This is beautiful!

  35. mmrené says

    Music and everything… it really sets the tone! Nice job.

  36. George Navarro Pérez-Dussac says

    Hi! where do you get your backgrounds as textures forests or lights for your pics?

  37. Dattatreya Mekala says

    i love the way u do 
    and i need a help wht type of software u use for retouching i wanted to know plzzzz…..

  38. Aurevânio Pontes says

    Show! aprendo muito com suas aulas. Thanks!

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