1. charles r says

    very use full bro

  2. Adolf Smith Richard says


  3. Biaz Andromeda says

    please send to biazandromeda@gmail.com


    bagus banget…. pengen belajar… email andrekheren@gmail.com

  5. Sujan7278 says

    splendid work brother

  6. Joop Smid says

    can I please get it too?

  7. Rhozhie Ardzelamie says


  8. Raahil Creation says


  9. rajdeep wasekar says

    please send Psd file and stock. Thank You

  10. aldrin gersalia says

    Pleaase send me stock photos, aldringersalia@yahoo.com
    thank you

  11. Rathinjit Sarkar says

    pls send me stoc and psd files Rathinjit@gmail.com

  12. parth kapadia says


    Psd and Stock please 😀

  13. Satya Fitara says

    satya_ftr@yahoo.co.id maksih atas perhatiannya mas ipoenk

  14. Afif muhamad says

    alhamdulilah,.makasih kang sebelumnya,.bahan untuk belajar email :bendera.net03@gmail.com

  15. Sam Cc says

    Please send PSD/Stock files on this Email

  16. Arun dakshinamurthy says

    Your tutorial is so much helpful, Please share your files aruteen@gmail.com

  17. Antonio F. García says

    please can you send me my mail files elmarquesado1@gmail.com. Thank you so much

  18. Sư Thầy Phá Giới says

    please sent to me ngaykhongem.0812@gmail.com

  19. Faizal Yusuf says

    mas tolong donk stok nya aku mintak kirimin ke email faizalyusuf1212@gmail.com !! buat lomba photoshop mas !!

  20. lingjie li says
  21. galihsan says


    makasih bang sebelumnya 😀

  22. Trung Đặng says

    Please send me : ngoctrung0510@gmail.com
    thanks a lot

  23. Akhil Krishnan says

    Hi Can I get the files plz? E-mail: akhilkris@gmail.com

  24. Fikri Azhar Novianto says

    fikriazh@gmail.com, hatur nuhun kang…

  25. Fawad Tariq says

    Please send PSD/Stock files on this Email
    Really thankful to you 🙂 Jazak ALLAH Khair

  26. Bee Genetix says


    haturnuhun kang,,,,^^

  27. Babbu Shergill says

    please send to me psd file–  babbushergill73@gmail.com

  28. Mangesh Jadhav says

    please send me PSD file:
    Your work is speechless…!!!

  29. Suresh Khaire says

    I have just come across your Photo Art techs and impressed by your work. I will be happy if you can send me some stock photos used in your art at khairesuresh@gmail.com. Thanks a bunch and with warm regards,

  30. Kasminah Timi says
  31. Kasiwan Kasirun says

    cantik..boleh bagi psdnya..kasiwanb151@gmail.com

  32. srinu vasu says

    i need only the stock bro 
    please please send it to mt mail bro 

  33. srinu vasu says

    please please please please
     sent to mail bro 9912679150srinu@gmail.com

  34. nishad veettil says

    Incredible work….Please send me the PSD file,Stock.

  35. GEORGE GUPTA says

    Please Sir send me stock photo and psd at georgegupta89@gmail.com

  36. Endru Lovandarta says

    kepingin belajar juga gan, send juga ya wendroz@gmail.com termakasih banyak sebelumnya 😀 semangART pokoknya

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