Family Includes Previous Year's Picture in Annual Photo Shoot


Every year, a Maryland couple takes their family photo while holding the previous year’s picture. They’ve been doing it for seven years now and don’t plan on stopping. Amanda Hall, 29, who is married to Lucas, 36, said it was originally supposed to be a sweet idea to celebrate their anniversary, but now it has become a nice way to reflect on the years together.’s Leigh Scheps ( has more.

  1. Noname Needed says

    this gone be looking ridiculous after the 20th year πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

  2. Arrggghhhh whatever. says

    Da ta daaaa da ta da ta daa daaa taa daaa nnnn nnnn nnn nnn nnnn nn nnn nnn nnnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnnn who the heck cares.

  3. ReptileGuardian says

    Disturbing af

  4. RWBY fan says

    Gaaaa cute😻

  5. Ayana_Aaliyah.Forever says


  6. Iikesheepdogs says

    It’s like modern family

  7. Fangirling109 says

    I can’t handle this.

  8. Glitchy Catt says

    Thank you for making be go insane

  9. Light Owl says

    Super fun idea

  10. ChocolateShan1018 says


  11. Carlos Cr says

    So cute

  12. Conner Uhrich says

    That’s so cool

  13. Ava Kyle says

    My parents do that too

  14. Jimmy Nojadera says

    I what to do this when I grow up:)

  15. HΓΉng Nguyα»…n says

    Now I see my future in a nutshell.

  16. Resolvelution Tension says


  17. SushiSylveon says

    oh wow thats cOol

  18. les says

    the sacconejoly’s do this too lol

  19. Caroline Alexandria says

    Reminds me of the modern family intro

  20. AMOURR I says

    so inside edition is just posting anything now 😐

  21. Fisher_boy09 says


    Look at the first wordβ˜ΊπŸ˜€

  22. Fedor Boendermaker says

    He sounds like Mickey mouse

  23. Spread Love says

    There’s more to talk about than pictures…;)

  24. Broadway Forever says

    Check back on them in 2031

  25. schindlerteejay94 says

    Whoever watched the Modern Family intro is going to see this…

  26. Ajanae Fletcher says

    Saccone jolys

  27. Olly Nam says

    They should continue it untill they have grandchildren

  28. Christina DeGraw says

    Am i the only one who noticed all the alcohol in the back?

  29. EmroidPBD Elite says

    Like Modern Family

  30. Whacky Buckle says

    How tf is this news Worthy.

  31. Tyson Tube HD says

    When they get old πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  32. Eric GP says

    This ain't Mondern Family you know this is nuts.

  33. 1960s coca Cola Bottle says

    Family divided by 0

  34. err0r says


  35. Bubba King 13 says

    Tbh it's kind of badass…. A picture within a picture… PRICELESS.

  36. leonard2146 roblox and more says

    Duh so they can see the baby growing each year

  37. Aaron Glisson says

    Modern Family 101 πŸ˜‚

  38. Pajama_ _Llama says

    modern family inspired??

  39. _JESUS_ ROD. says

    This is cool and weird lol….

  40. reptile kid says

    When she says hopefully the family gets bigger did u see his face XD

  41. Quick Sepul says

    Dude getting fatter each pic

  42. Frances Lovato says

    Cool idea!

  43. Hotlobstar3D 1325 says

    Wow my family just have like 13 pitchures

  44. Bethany W says

    So cool

  45. Garrick Liu says

    Modern family

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