DIY At Home Studio Photoshoot


Thank you Savage Universal for providing us with the seamless studio paper! Savage is the most trusted brand for seamless paper (I am always seeing them in B&H Photo and Foto Care!) for good reason. With a wide variety of sizes, affordable price, and over 65 vibrant colors to choose from, they have something for everyone! For more information on Savage Universal, click here:




Build + Bloom is doing FREE PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOPS in Houston, Dallas, Paris, and London NEXT MONTH:




Thank you Sage for filming + assisting with this SESSION!

The lens I use for all my shoots + videos:
My Favorite Portrait lens:
My zoom lens (great for weddings):
My old camera (all videos before 2017):
My favorite beginner full-frame:
My favorite bringer portrait lens ($125!):
My polaroid camera:
My favorite disposable camera:
My camera backpack:
Camera organization insert:
My big travel camera backpack:
My tripod:
My tripod head:
My Phone tripod:
SD Card:
FAVORITE External Hard Drive:
Ring light I use in videos:
Soft box lights I use in videos:

Instagram —
Twitter —
Snapchat — jesswhitwells

*affiliate links!*

  1. Rel the Artist -Topic says

    Wonderful angles and lighting…

  2. Jennifer Gonzalez says

    How do you edit this?


    Wow wow wow these are so stunning!!

  4. Sabrina Araújo says

    "I live in a cave" lol facts about nyc living – awesome work btw!

  5. VF says

    This video was so helpful! I've been thinking about getting the same equipment for studio portraits but always been scared to actually give it a try. Now I know they'll look great!

  6. Ms. Ro says

    What size paper do you get for while body photography/YouTube

  7. Kaila Brooks says

    That was wonderful- thank you!

  8. Aris Abad says

    i love you Jessica

  9. luisdmatas says

    i like the yellow framemark but maybe a little smaller? the photos are great, love the contrast :3

  10. Victoria Emenike says

    Nice video, its cool that you are petite like me

  11. Gillian Kamau says

    I don’t mind your echoing audio, I love it cause it shows the reality of things which is awesome and refreshing to see something authentic but if people are coming for you hard, if it helps maybe try doing a voice over as you shoot, I watch another photographer named Evan Ranft and when he can’t explain what he’s doing at the moment or he says the audio was bad, he’ll do a voice over. Or just do you boo cause I love it anyways 💓

  12. Sage Lally says

    We are all about jokes in this household

  13. Simply Avalon says

    oh my gosh i recognize her!! I love seeing Sophie Ming's insta and to see you guys collaborate today was so cool!! It's such a small world haha

  14. Jessica Christina says

    i think her skin color looked so good with the yellow, it seems like they complemented each other! 😍 love your work

  15. Xavier Ancarno says

    Where are the Analog (minolta and disposable) shot !?

  16. Keith Matugas says

    I LOVE THE FACT THAT YOU MAKE IT A POINT TO SHOOT BOTH FILM AND DIGITAL! 😭😭💖💖💖 Thank you very mucchhh for thaaat 👏💪

  17. Alex Tribble says

    Hey Jessica! Long time subscriber here! There's a free app you can use to help you figure out which your settings should be when you're using film. It’s called "Lux".

  18. Sydney Anne says

    I'm loving the yellow, and your model looks stunning!!

  19. n a m e l e s s 101 says

    I wanna know what are the requirements to become a male model when it comes to the face area👦 ,I mean should male model look a certain way😕 ? I'm literally desperate right now

  20. n a m e l e s s 101 says

    Heyy Jessica .love ur videos even tho I'm not into photography but i still enjoy them.💛

  21. Philip Camero says

    Girl! CONGRATULATIONS! It turned out so well😍. Omg your jokes🤣 better work on it haha jk. Love yeah💓

  22. Elyse Fujioka says

    THANK YOU for being such a kind and well-rounded educator. people get so caught up in the competition of photography and business but you are such a uniter in the community!

  23. BlackSwan says

    Idk if you said it but what size paper did you use. I’ve been contemplating either the 53 or the 86 one

  24. Chris Kotsopoulos says

    Great content as usual! Can't say I'm a big fan of yellow border, though. Am I the only one?

  25. boyet12345 ? says

    this is so sick❤

  26. Pilar says

    yay! I love this and I’m so glad to see something like this on YouTube 🙂

  27. Grace Mackenzie says

    I’m doing a DIY home shoot tomorrow omg what a coincidence!! I love your videos this was so cool!😍😍

  28. sophielovexo says

    Photography queen!!! This was so much fun! 💛💛

  29. Cole Jewell says

    Another awesome video, great job!

  30. Liz Hahn says

    ahh I love this 🤩 u always post right when I need inspiration! Thanks for always being some one to look up too and for giving me these videos to look forward to 💙

  31. SavageCommaJade says

    this turned out so good! ive been wanting to do something like this for a while now, but im not a super established photographer, so i feel like models would feel weird coming to my house ya know? but honestly, you did a really good job 🙂

  32. yeehaw says

    Hi Jessica, how did you attach your paper background to your wall? Do you have to buy a wall mount and screw it into the wall?

  33. Patrick Porto says

    Loving this video! Thank you, Jessica!!

  34. Ivree Rain says

    Keep it up Jessica!

  35. Kimberley says

    I love this!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank u for sharing this video 😩

  36. Isobel Lois says

    omg yes i’ve been looking for a good video on this!!!

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