"Camera" Looking Anomaly Found in Mars Photo ~ 2017
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Hey guys, This anomaly really had me scratching my head! What do you think it is? Leave your comments down below. Share the video and throw me a thumbs up! Always appreciated! Thanks for watching.
As always, look for the picture links at the bottom of the description. Best Regards, Chris….
IMAGE CREDIT GOES TO: ESA / NASA / JPL / University of Arizona / Caltech / Msss
** These pictures are made public to the people**
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To my eye it looks like a large rock sitting on top of a small square building that has two large windows and one small window. The bent leg shape could be a roll of carpet, to the left of that could be a trail cam sitting on a small table.
I wanted to share this with you Chris. I went on to Google Earth, and went to the to the structure that's off the California coast by Malibu, and they have completely smudge the front of that structure out you cannot even see it all you see is the top now. I wish somebody would go off that coast and go dive down to that and actually investigate it
Looks like one of those early Polaroid cameras ๐,I've said for a long time Chris ,they're drip feeding it to us ,soften the blow so to speak ,๐ฃbring it on ,it's time !!!!๐พ๐ฝ๐พ๐ฝ
Jeweler's loop? I expected Elmer Fudd to call it a scope
Very interesting thank you for sharing this, No telling what kind of camera that is! LOL! It's definitely something that was manufactured and that is pretty much all I can say because like you said there's no way to vet it.
15:17 Minutes, Top left the ripples in the sand they don't look right, Did you notice? I'll be back with another comment after the video.
What ever it is its being taken care of with all the dust storms on Mars it sure is very clean looking. All we need now is for NASA and President Trump to come forward and spill the beans. You can actually see a lens behind the viewing window.
Omg wow just found out about the live show channel! Is that still going on? Gonna check it out as soon as I watch a few more videos!
It looks like a blower motor to move air, the bar is a shaft that spins the impeller. The casing looks circular and too bulky to be a camera.
It looks like a satellite dish with a rock , ufo or meteor/ufo sitting on top. I see a Large scale shape of a "bird with wings and extended head. And the satellite dish being a nest. Does anybody else see that? The "camera" could be the mechanism that sits to one side inside a satellite dish. I believe there is some radio activity involved with such a device which may explain the bright whiteness.
It looks like one of those walking weapons in Star Wars.
Chris; The Camera reminds me of the Styrofoam cup I found hiding under a rock in a Gigapan of sols 107 & 109. It is there in plain sight
CQ CQ CQ DX Mars Calling ,Mars Calling : Mars calling Mars Anomalies! This is : Alpha, November, Delta, Romeo, Echo ,Whiskey !
Well it's not a rock that much is pretty obvious machine of some does looks like a camera tho
Go there and see tons of structures. Chris, lmk what u think?
Definitely a surveillance camera. Plus a lizard with a tail that looks like a snakehead made his home there .Probally for the heat vent or just vent?
Scanner? reader?
OMG! What is that at 4:30? Bottom of the screen almost dead center. Do you have an answer for what that is? It looks like something is inside of it. Does anyone see this. I have a 40" monitor …
perhaps a camera droid with legs of some sort?? XD
The great late Kevin Smith would have loved you, keep it up man, love what yer doing, cheers
I think that I have seen anomalies on some photos that look like the six o'clock news of Mars is looking into our cameras as they film their news updates about the "alien roving camera".
Admit it, photos have some areas of obfuscation and other areas showing amazing artifacts because the government workers are not super great at seeing what is there as you are, eagle-eyes. Amazing discoveries you are making.
I have a question. Is Jupiter a big ball of gas like they say or is there civilizations or ancient ruins our there?
Looks very interesting. I agree there is nothing else in this image of the same or similar colour. It should be investigated further.
If this is technology wouldn't you want to be able to look at it first before any one else gets to it?
I'm wondering: why this $2 bill SUV doesn't have a single microphone or the ability to shoot videos? Let's say videos would generate too much data to send back to Earth, but if I've spent so much money to send a probe to another planet, I would've been curious not only to see what it looks like but also to hear what it sounds like. Don't you agree with me? Or, it maybe has a microphone but it's for, "Internal use only."
WTF? Man this is insane. I've been watching yours and Will's videos since Curiosity started sending back data but I've never seen something like this. You can actually see the lens of this camera. It's just mind-blowing. I would like to hear NASA's explanation about this one! Somebody's got fired because of you Chris…Thanks!
Many many thanks for showing us this image. Brothers doing some Great Work 144…
Hi just joined, they are always going to hide and denies everything they find,like they still won't admit exterestrails visit us on earth.
c'est la ganse de l'appareil que l'on voie pendre (the legs)
Looks like the camera is laying in a case
It's almost like that stone was once laying down there, if you look to the right you see what appears to be the darkened circular area it once say upon, so it's wierd to see that "camera" placed there after to conceal/protect it?
do you ever do the moon? i have an interesting pic of a creature on the moon
at 16:36 when you stop moving it around lol..you move fast lol..look under the bottom left of the sectioned part where it shows how you change things..the rock has an interesting design on it
hope to catch you on the frequency! 27.555 center france MU160, location : JN16NK! 73's
Great find Chris! Of course this is just speculation, but what if NASA is just randomly adding real objects into these pictures like this camera for instance, just to distract us? Think about it: photoshop a car in over here, a camera over there, a animal over here, just to keep us busy for years while they, NASA, do something else… Just a random thought. I really have no clue what is going on to be honest. Love your videos man. Keep up the great work.
Did anybody questioned NASA about the camera? It's obvious not natural or too big to be a pixel error. I think it's in a lift that could go underground and will leave only the rock that is on top. I would like to hear what does NASA says about this one so we can have a huge laugh about it.
now thats a nice set up….once again a great video and a joy to be apart of something so cool,.