Tips for Stunning Food Photography with TopWithCinnamon


If you haven’t seen Izy’s work before… why not? She runs a stunning food blog packed with mouth-gasm inducing recipes… and she’s turned that into a beautiful cookbook.

You might remember Izy also came to cook some gorgeous stop motion melt in the middle cookie with us a while back, which you can see here:

Today she shares tips and tricks for basic photography and how to apply those to food.

Check out Izy’s blog here:
Check out Izy’s profile on SORTEDfood here:
Watch the cookie video we did with her last time:

HUNGRY FOR MORE? Share your own recipes and photos of your cooking triumphs (and disasters) at or get the app here:

  1. Foods&Desserts Photo says

    Hi! If you want to see foods and desserts photo go on my chanel

  2. alice gray marks says

    Very skillful photos! Izy has great personal style as well.

  3. Mark Thomas says

    I dunno, I feel that food photography is almost always fake-looking. Like it's been over edited or the colours are ridiculous. Every food blog has images that look nothing like the real thing because the photos are so detached from the real thing.

  4. Michael Blackwell says

    Guess she never hear of a tripod? Hand held – yea sure!

  5. Yan Vast says

    Hi ! First I wanna say that I love your videos ! I am learning so much , I am a pastry Chef and for health reasons i have to stay at home so i am learning how to take pictures because i will like make a youtube channel but i have a issue which i will appreciate your opinion , my kitchen is dark so no way i start with videos there i cant buy lights because i am not working now but i was thinking in get a folding table and put the table next to a window where i will record , my plan is only show what i am doing , do you think the folding table is going to look bad because i see you try to put a flat surface and what do you think about the location ? What can i add or change ? Thank you so much

  6. Dilliboi Rubirosa says

    Izy, first thing to learn is, Your left hand goes UNDERNEATH your lens, so as to better support it.

  7. André Peixoto says

    aren't you guys siblings? 3:503:56

  8. Xeistiav says

    What would you say are the most important aspects, when you edit a photography of Food?

  9. MikeHermesPhotography says

    I am predominantly a landscape photographer but have been asked to do a food shoot for a friend opening a bistro. As this is new territory for me I found the video very useful, thank you !

  10. thomas destry says

    Thank you for your teaching and your tips🙏🏽

  11. banz jaime san juan says


  12. Jessica Cornell says

    The instagram link at the end of the video takes you to SORTEDfood and not

  13. Hildert Salomon says

    i havent finished watching the video but i gotta say I LOVE HER ACCENT AND HER lol.

  14. KUMKUM Kitchens says

    very informative!! Thank you ♡ #kumkumkitchens from india

  15. Empress Of Gold says

    Be talks too much, constantly finishing her sentences and adding on. Let her speak

  16. Tashas World says

    I'm getting a DSLR soon can't wait I remember I got a C in food photography at school I'm hoping to build a portfolio up and I'm also going to setup my own website

  17. The Most Delicious Scene says

    I would love to see how she edit her photos !

  18. Bernie says

    Great vid, thank you!

  19. A says

    nom nom nom

  20. Edward Jones says

    First time taught about food photography. Outstanding!

  21. Danny Kim says

    Key to food photo success: NATURAL LIGHT

  22. Danny Kim says

    Key to food photo success: NATURAL LIGHT

  23. Maïmouna Diagne says

    very useful thank you

  24. Payton rainbow says


  25. Aime says

    I think it's kind of confusing how you explained the ISO and the aperture. On the one hand you didn't clarify that ISO is the camera Digital way to catch light and add it to the picture, that is why the higher the ISO the granier the picture, since it has been digitally adjust to be lighter. On the other hand the lower the aperture is the lenses way (if I am not mistaken) to be able to let in more light into the camera (besides the whole thing of focus) which is why you wouldn't need the camera's program to add up more lighting

  26. Electric Bubble says

    that was hardcore rad!

  27. Ibrahim Halawa says

    they should fuck

  28. Diy Chanel says

    How to know if the image is perfect

  29. Beauty H. says

    What's the background music?

  30. Nisha Dr R says

    u r brilliant the girl

  31. vb. o2 says


  32. tim trace says

    So good!

  33. AC/DC says

    Excellent video! Thank you!

  34. Mahendra Singh says

    Not so great. Shooting images at ISO 1600. The shots are unplanned and random without any value.

  35. Khalid ait ouferdou says

    What is the sens did you use ?

  36. SugarCoder says

    Very useful information, even if it was posted 2 years ago!

  37. Global Sound Promotion says

    Thanks for the tips!

  38. NJA2k8 says

    Could've gotten away with not explaining the simple exposure triangle, but I see that this channel was geared towards cooks and not photographers

  39. Wesley Oostvogels says

    Nice video, happy to hear your opinion about the natural light, I've always been a fan of that 😀 But what about your preferred focal length? 60mm, 85mm? Macro or not. It all makes a huge difference on the aperture settings and how we perceive DOF.

  40. EJAZ AHMED DARS says

    very nice

  41. Rashad Tashkandi says

    What type of lense is recommended?

  42. workphlo says

    Very strong strong workphlo here. I'd love to see How to photograph wine bottles or how to photograph cosmetic products. Or even simple speedlight product photography!

  43. Hughes Bakery says

    Please support my campaign to start my own bakery!

  44. NaturallyOnPoint says

    Nice job

  45. Kelli Sophia says

    Great tips! This will definitely help my blog and my personal brand. Thank you!

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