Raw vs JPEG: Real-world photography examples, advantages and disadvantages


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  1. Tony & Chelsea Northrup says

    ⭐Lightroom + Photoshop: http://sdp.io/adobedeal
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    📕Stunning Digital Photography on Amazon http://help.tc/s
    📘Lightroom 6 Book on Amazon http://help.tc/l
    📙Photoshop Book on Amazon http://help.tc/p
    📗Buying Guide on Amazon http://help.tc/b

  2. Sue Bono says

    Wow, thank you so much, this really did highlight the differences of me. I had no intention of shooting in RAW, but now I'm considering buying some post production software and really creating amazing shots.

  3. Shasank Gupta says

    At 1:44 exposure is reduced rather than highlight correction. But for jpeg, highlight's corrected.

  4. Hernan Barski says

    Awesome, easy explanation! Thank you.

  5. Geoff Eales says

    great explanation – going to RAW immediately!

  6. Kerianne O'Dwyer says

    This video was so helpful you have no idea! I’ve been shooting jpg for a while now and am wayyyy too familiar with the issues of backlight blowing out my images. I had no idea that shooting raw would be my solution

  7. Jan La Salle says

    Thank you so much. I learned digital photography from Youtube University and your channel…thanks, Great examples.

  8. geralldus says

    Thank you, very helpful!

  9. Michael Nylif says

    Awsome Video!

  10. sardond says

    Great video and explanation. I'm shooting Raw from now on.

  11. Mehdi Taba says

    Man you have no idea how much it helps! ThAnX

  12. luki99gk says

    wy już nie jesteście fotografami, tylko grafikami. 🙁 zatraca się całe piękno fotografii

  13. saprice says

    Very good explanation.

  14. Jonathan Eckstein says

    i have a galaxy j4 and there's no option to switch between RAW and JPEG. Is there anything i can do to achieve the likes of a RAW image?

  15. Chris Batson says

    Print each one out and tell me the print will show the little extra you get from RAW. Long ago I tried that, the print doesn't lie, I saw no difference even with a 2x loupe. In very demanding light I agree you can choose which end to get the most from but in the end, printing is the limiting factor.

  16. Thanin Yous says

    Hi, what is the software you used to edit the photo? Could you please share it as well? It looks easy to edit. Thanks

  17. Izerman13 says

    Wait….did you just turn down highlights on a jpeg and then exposure on a raw????? Yeah…I can understand the difference. Thanks?

  18. Sammy Tolomeo says

    Now in 2018, my Raw files take 30 Mb and my JPG takes 10 Mb

  19. H. Akay says

    Having 2 memory card slots comes really handy when you want to shoot both JPEG and RAW. JPEG is great for immediate sharing, RAW is great for post and getting the best quality.

  20. Glasgow says

    shooting raw allows u to lower iso & increase shutter speed at night & is good for low light because u can make the image brighter

  21. Jack Kraken says

    Its good Mr Fantastic has a day job after those terrible movies.

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