Portrait Photography : Graduation Portrait Poses


Poses for graduation portraits are similar to simple head shots, with a tilted head and relaxed expression, but proper lighting is key to creating a professional photograph. Find the best angle for a graduation portrait with information from a certified professional photographer in this free video on photography.

Expert: Bob Coates
Contact: www.bcphotography.com
Bio: Bob Coates of Bob Coates Photography has been a professional photographer for 13 years in both Arizona and the Virgin Islands.
Filmmaker: Chuck Tyler

  1. Sherwin Baptiste says

    Good video

  2. The 50 KILLERS says

    Most useless 2 minutes. Not showing the lighting setup. No end results. WTF

  3. Saved by Grace says

    Awesome tips, and as a published artist myself, it all makes sense. Although so many of the people posting want to see the end result, as artists, it would help them to "see" the end result in their mind, if only they would pay attention to what you say and put their artistic visualization into practice. Nice video and thanks for the time you put into it.

  4. So where are the results of what you have just shown us? How do I even know what you showed now, looks like?

  5. GroffinTiffin says

    I'm always amazed by critical photogs that want the public 2 believe there is some mysterious science behind photography & only a few r endowed w/ its "powers". Different techniques work 4 different ppl. Photogs r so insecure and competitive b/c they don't make any $ and any idiot today can create an image – thx 2 digital! they deserve 2b out of biz by amateurs that don't know what they r doing and give their work away. i can't wait until walmart is the only place 2 go for a portrait.

  6. X-Ghost- 22 says

    Very helpful thank you- can we see the final results please?

  7. Ramsynch says

    Let's be honest, it would be almost impossible to take a bad photo of this girl. She deserves better than this.

  8. cometmoth _ says

    The girl is very pretty!

  9. allison1270 says

    the girl in the back is making funny faces get a picture of that!

  10. Chip Dawg says

    Show the end result

  11. István Borzás says

    not showing the end result …. major mistake

  12. Marion Hassold says

    you are doing great motivating the model…reminds me of me, only that you are older and better 🙂 thx for that video

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