Obama's Fake Family Photo


Obama’s Fake Family Photo. It appears that this photo of Obama and his grandparents has been photoshopped.

Update: Someone sent this link, which contains another photo of Obama’s grand parents, again sitting on the same bench. This time, Obama is standing behind the wall and the large tree behind the wall is gone, but, the streak on the wall is still there. The article has many other photos that all appear to be fake.

Here is another link sent by viewer:

Update: At this link you can see the picture I used in the video here, in an article titled “Obama releases pictures from his family album as he rides the Super Tuesday wave”, that was last updated at 19:28 05 February 2008

The photo shows Stanley Dunham with his left hand on Obama’s shoulder AND also on his wife’s left elbow. The same streak on the wall is there also. The article states, “The Obama campaign released the family album as 24 states went to the polls with the Illinois senator running neck-and-neck with former first lady Hillary Clinton, 60.” So this fake photoshopped picture came directly from Obama’s campaign.

  1. Gwen Salina says

    It's really looks Obama.

  2. TheShockmister says

    Fool me twice and fool on me..

  3. Linda Klase says

    Granddad's floating left hand! It's obvious his left arm is NOT around Obama's shoulder because Granpa's shoulder is not elevated at all.

  4. Dena Campbell says

    Look at 3:28, Obama's pant leg is between grampa and gramma

  5. Bigone5555J says

    I believe that both photos have been altered- The one with just the grandparents, showing what the original must have looked like. At any rate, it would not be possible for his grandfather to reach Obama's left shoulder, while the upper part of his arm is verticle.

  6. Jane Doe says

    What is between the grandparents; the grandfathers left leg and the grandmothers right side. The photo of the grandparents Together also appears to be photoshopped as in Obama's leg not cropped out? No question the photo of the three of them together is a photoshop.

  7. Joe Serrano says

    huh? I thought the Antichrist was Prince William!

  8. Bigone5555J says

    It's possible. I just read today that the ring he is wearing in this photo is the same ring that was used at his wedding to Michelle. It's engraved in Arabic-There is no God except Allah. See the story on WND.

  9. Chris Ricci says

    people of america do not care. if they did this commie bastard would be hung for treason.

  10. Bigone5555J says

    Yes, I believe they are both fakes. I believe the second one was done to demonstrate what the original picture looked like, before Obama was photoshopped in, with his grandfathers left hand floating in an impossible position. Most of Obama's life story is fake.

  11. mrabe says

    husband said both photos are fake, but he scratches his head to wonder why. Husband thinks it was done on purpose to leave a hint of what the one who did this wanted us to know. The mistakes are really over the top obvious.

  12. Bigone5555J says

    If you read though the comments you'll find I said that I believe BOTH of the pictures were photoshopped. I never claimed the one without Obama was the "original",but, only that it must have looked much like this. If you don't believe the one with Obama was photoshopped, then you must believe his grandfather had TWO LEFT ARMS AND TWO LEFT HANDS.

  13. malkazoid says

    This is ABSURD. Only one of the two images is clearly photoshopped. The one WITHOUT Obama. This should lead you to suspect that the only pic of the two that was photoshopped to mislead the public was the one without Obama, ostensibly to be able to pass it as the original, and claim Obama was photoshopped in, in the fake. Maybe it was you and this is your intention? If not, you fell for it hard enough to try to mislead thousands of other people.

  14. Bigone5555J says

    If that is his wedding ring, that would be another reason to suspect this photo was faked by Obama. Obama married Michelle on October 3, 1992 and Stanley Armour Dunham died 8 months before the wedding, on February 8, 1992.

  15. JodyFidelis says

    This photo is from 1982. Then, what is Obama doing with a wedding ring on? He did not marry Michelle until 1992. How can this be?

  16. Olga Kaydanov says

    Oh I agree with you. I was just wondering why you didn't mention that the bench leg behind the grandma was not only in a totally different location with relation to the bench in the Obama pic, but it also looks to be in a completely different spot behind her leg in the "original" photo. Otherwise great video!

  17. Bigone5555J says

    What about it? I believe BOTH pictures were photoshopped, the one without Obama was probably done to illustrate how the original looked BEFORE Obama's campaign photoshopped Obama (and an extra hand for grandpa) into the picture.

  18. Olga Kaydanov says

    Um, how about the fact that the bench legs are in two totally different positions in both pictures.

  19. Bigone5555J says

    @bobdeloyd, I believe BOTH photos are fake, but, the first one was used by Obama's Campaign.

  20. MissDaisy1945 says

    Unless his grandfather has two left arms…

  21. enkigilgamesh says

    People don't like to be fooled and the peons would rather believe a lie than admit they have been fooled. every thing about Obama is a fraud… During the election when the globe was worshiping him like an icon of god until today. With all the horrifying laws he has passed and all the killing in wars he is responsible for he should have zero support. But looking at some comments it looks like he has many followers… demons? We live in an illusion of lies. get used to it. Cancel your idiotbox!

  22. CherCherico says

    @wpwhitney Could the picture of him ws not a cool pic so they removed it and replaced it with this one. You think? He looks younger than a college student in this pic. Something is wrong. You have to think who would benefit from taking him out of the picture or who would gain from including it. Obama put out the one with him and them so go figure it out.

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