How to Retouch Fashion Photography


Check out another of my videos: “BREAKDOWN: Select and Mask vs. Refine Edge – Photoshop CC”


Download Frequency Separation Photoshop Action Here:


We’re going to have some fun in Photoshop and look at how to retouch a fashion photo in Photoshop CC. We’ll learn how to cleanup blemishes, some simple frequency separation skin retouching, dodging and burning, and also color and contrast tone and adjustments with Curves, Color Balance, Levels and more! Let’s go!

  1. vicky bhatia says

    Download Frequency Separation Photoshop Action link not working!

  2. elevens studio photography says

    ماعندك ماعند جدي

  3. Jeff Kappel says

    really good stuff. thanks

  4. Max Sec says

    where can i find the digital pores brushes?

  5. Kool.Creation says

    Learned a few new things!

  6. TetsusaigaDrgn says

    thanks for making this video. im curious why you rasterized the smart object at 2:35?

  7. Franco Kellerman says

    Dude thanks sooo much!!! Been doing product photography past year same items over and over.. this is great to move away and into fashion action sports what ever I guess. thank you !!!!!!!!!

  8. Vagabonding .RO says

    Why do you use protect tones when you are on a 50% layer? :))

  9. addsbyyahoo says

    Wooo… I was about to leave you a neg for the pace of all the actions you're showing, but you've really made my day t'wards the end 'f the clip. Thanks a lot 😉

  10. Frank Withers says

    Great tutorial. Some nice tricks in here.

  11. dukeHenry says

    thank you sir it's very helpful.
    may i know what command u used @8:37

  12. Mani Mehran says

    its a greate oppourtunity to get your Realistic, inpiring and atractive pictures I can retouch your any picture to make beautiful look of your pictures that you can use as a profile picture of facebook, gamil and on other many places. You will be surprised after see that. Visit my Gig and Oder now:

  13. MoeR0928 says

    Excuseeee me.. May i have your email to private message you that how to edit picture? qwq

  14. Mirko Herceg says

    hi,i am new to your channel and have no expirience with photoshop,i have a mac and want to do body and face photoshop,what program should I use?

  15. ซาร่า Caggioni says

    What camera format do you use? dx, fx

  16. jameel hallim says

    You may need to call tech,
    I just broke that like button!

  17. Bisous By Ghislaine says

    I used to be technologically illiterate like a week ago, I could only switch on the lights and the stove, ok that's a lil dramatic. It can be crippling for someone like me with a business in fashion and media, but no Photoshopping skills. After this video I am suddenly a beast at fashion Photoshop, for months I watched hundreds of videos desperate to learn. I found this video last week and you wont believe how much I can now do, plus it has given me the confidence to experiment and discovering so much more in Photoshop. Lets just say I am not so Techno illiterate anymore…

    I appreciate that your video was clear, you pointed out certain steps to take note of especially for people without and training in Photoshop – things that would have otherwise gone over my head. Thank you

    May I please request a video on a dark skin female, something focusing on makeup/skin as well as fashion editorial editing out door.

  18. Samir Patnaik says

    i learn something from you everytime

  19. Liamc45 says

    Nice seeing other artist's work flows; enjoyed this edit!

  20. hey where's the chocolate says

    very helpful!

  21. Jason Alfano says

    After I run the action it says apply image not available ?

  22. Luis Miguel says

    Love your speed, thank you for making such a great tutorial.

  23. iDRteck says

    I feel as thought the original image had to much contrast between the skin tones of her face, arms, and leg. But it's still a good tutorial.

  24. Nicholas Taylor says

    Great tutorial, I learned a bunch and great picture. Are you going to offer tutorials or premium tutorials on going out and taking pictures like this?

  25. Domenico Scagliusi says

    Very usefull, thanks 🙂
    Any chanche for a food photografy retouching?

  26. golfolover011 says

    this is beyond my PS skill,,
    Good tutorial

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