What's in my Wildlife Photography Camera bag


A Quick look inside my basic wildlife photography kit bag. Talking through my cameras, lenses and accessories I work with daily out in the field.

This is my basic set up when working on a project, allowing me to cover a wide variety and range of images. If you have an Q’s drop them in the comments and I’ll get back to you!

You can check out more of my work on my website :
or over on Instagram + Twitter — @TomMasonPhoto

My gear (Amazon Affiliate Links – 3% of purchase goes to me – you pay nothing extra)

Nikon D500 :
Nikon D810 :
Nikon 300 2.8 VR II :
Nikon 70-200mm 2.8 VR II :
Nikon 24-70mm (Upgrade) :
Nikon 20mm 1.8 G :
Nikon 105mm Macro :
Nikon Sb-700 :
Go Pro (upgrade) :
Peli Card Case :
Rocket Blower :
Manfrotto Pixi Mini :
Bag – Manfrotto Pro Light 230 :

#wildlifephotography #nikongear #wildlifephotographygear

  1. David Johnson says

    Great and entertaining video…if I may suggest one thing…..DCAF!!!…..good lord

  2. Butch Dye says

    you statrted at 11 so, how old are you now. you look 15.

  3. Shikhar Sharma says

    I will caption it wildlife gear, but flaunt all I have.

  4. Buda says

    Saving for the rocket blower atm.

  5. Alex Slomin says

    Great video! I have a nikon d7500 but want to get a backup body for my upcoming trip. My local camera store has a D700 for pretty cheap used. What do you think of the camera, should I get it? Thanks!

  6. Shree Sha says

    Pls make a video for beginners wildlife photography gears

  7. Arup Manna says

    Please give me 200-500 Nikon lens

  8. Jon Ramsey says

    Hey all a little late to the party but will the bag you listed under info fit a Nikon D500 gripped, 200-500 f5.6, 70-200 f/4, 105 f/2.8 macro, 20mm f/1.8, 12-24mm f/4, 50mm f/1.8, and a 35mm f/1.8? Maybe even some extra room for Lee Filters and other accessories? I know I have a majority of what you went through and I may have missed it but I wasn’t able to catch you saying if all fit at once or not? Cheers!!

  9. Modal Soul Photo says

    Woah your body system is exactly the same as mine! Haha love it

  10. helthuismartin says

    What you need for wildlife photography is a 500 or 600mm MORON.

  11. Carlos Santos says

    Please clarify something…What do you think about the weight of the 300mm f/2.8 VRll? I've heard mist reviews  from people saying that is HUGE BEAST others saying that is not so big and heavy…I'd love to use for outdoors portraits too.

  12. Simon S says

    Hey Tom,
    what happened to your 500mm?

  13. Mikael S-P says

    You sound like you are seriously sponsored by Nikon, every lens is great, everything is perfect. No hate, great video, but try to talk about the negativs as well.

  14. Zeppy says

    1st view and I am hooked Tom love your videos bro!  Subscribed 🙂

  15. Simon Walter says

    Your bag must weigh a bloody ton

  16. eXplorer says

    Amazing video! I love watching earth, discover and calm down…

  17. Hephasto says

    Would you mind to take 70-200E series ?

  18. JA B says

    omg i started with the exact same cam set up 😀 loved that d40 :') 70-300 ftw

  19. Dominique LeBlanc says

    That d500! Would really liked it. My d7100 just does'nt cut it for my bird photography.

  20. Yu Hung Goh says

    Yayy! Im so happy you started at 11.. I thought I started out pretty young at 13; I just started out a few months ago.. Now im looking for a telezoom for wildlife too!

  21. Gaming with Ritesh says

    Hi sie

  22. Keeley Ainsworth says

    Hi Tom, Your videos are brilliant and they have helped me loads. Thank you, keep them coming!! I would love to see how you organise your photos on your computer as I'm not very organised, I just transfer them and that's it x x

  23. Kieran Lehane says

    I also bought a trail camera, because of the video you made on Wesdex (forgot the name) :/

  24. Kieran Lehane says

    Just bought the Canon 100-400mm EF L USM ii Lens :). So excited to use it. You ever used it?

  25. Sabrina Hill says

    I'm looking to purchase the 20mm 1.8G, I think your praise locked up my decision to buy one. I need a wider lens for some environmental portraiture work I plan on doing and my 50 prime and longer focal lenses don't fit the bill. I quite enjoyed this video. Thanks.

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