DIY Fluorescent Photography Studio Lighting – Part II


In Part I of this series I showed you how to build your own studio quality fluorescent lighting set-up for photographing models and portraits. Now in Part II I will show you how to make it work for you and what mistakes to avoid regarding color balance and light placement.

It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner in the studio or an experienced studio lighting master… constant fluorescent lights are both easy to use and create a beautiful soft light for photographing people. It’s kind of the what you see is what you get version of studio lighting.

Unfortunately the professional Kino-Flo lights cost thousands of dollars each, so I am going to show you how to build and use your own fluorescent studio lights for a fraction of the cost of the professional lights. This is one of my favorite lighting setups that I have been using in my studio for the last 12 years.

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  1. Chea Nuh says


  2. Dinamani Laishram says

    omg I just saw this older video of your just now. I didn't recognised you. You look much more younger now.👌👌👌

  3. Marco Ricci says

    Thanks for your video… But this tutorial about Flourescent lighing it's only for photo or video shooting too? So if I buy cheap fluorescent lights FOR SHOTING VIDEOS for a cinema look at 24 or 25 shutter speed I should not have problems with the flickering issue? THANKS A LOT

  4. Jamie L. says

    im shooting in a large studio wuth ceiling lights that are fluorescent . Should I kill the lights in the room ? and just use my flashes ? I wasn't sure about shooting with that ambient light . its actually more like a warehouse sorroubded by windows but I was shooting at night , so there was no sunlight

  5. Will Parsons says

    Just happened to catch a few of your earlier videos (2012) and compared to now and ow, have you ever lost some weight – looking much and no doubt; feeling much better too! Good for you!!

  6. John Benedict says

    This is just my opinion but I think dual catch lights in the eyes looks unnatural and is a little spooky looking.

  7. Human Bean says

    xlnt. final results are btfl.

  8. Ricardo Martins says

    You are amazing! Thank you from Brazil!

  9. Jeremy Culbreath says

    Your flicker fix saved me a ton of money. It works on LED lights, too.

  10. Nooo... says


  11. Ahmed Tha King says

    valuable information! Thank you!

  12. jsauceproductions says

    Awesome video by the way!!

  13. jsauceproductions says

    What are the camera settings?

  14. Christian Caicedo says

    Great Video!!!

    I would like to know what is the color temperature of the florescent lights.


  15. SOMEN DAS says


  16. Ross D says

    Brilliant, thank you.

  17. Adan Rodriguez says

    Awesome vid!

  18. John Cruz says

    best video!!

  19. Excellent tutorial Joe, specially the tip of how to eliminate the flickering, congratulations!!!

  20. CanIMayI says

    does this lighting work with video?

  21. Modfather 3 says

    That's great lighting

  22. James Reilly says

    Great tutorial Joe!! Saved me a few grand for sure!

  23. Daniel Son says

    That was great, thanks so much.

  24. Johnny Lindahl says

    Hey Joe. You have so enriched my creative ideas about photography. I love your videos and your humor.

  25. Rudi Tyyanda says

    great lights and wonderful

  26. Diamond Cut Eros Banket says

    Dank u wel……Thank you…

  27. linda azhar2010 says

    tq…so very much…yes my head was about to explode with information hahahaha…tq again…u make my life less miserable trying to understand this

  28. Kris Kasprzak says

    Well done. great lights and wonderful results.

  29. Gery Revandra says

    you just save my money to buy Kino Flo light … thank you …

  30. Nerd says


  31. Barky Von Schnauzer says

    Joe, This was fantastic. Thanks a bunch. You've given me a tool I'll definitely experiment with. Every time I watch your videos it boosts my confidence. Thanks.

  32. Dave - says

    "Don't be afraid to suck! You'll be amazed at what you learn!" Best. Advice. Ever!

  33. Chris Hastings says

    Great Video Joe, thanks so much for sharing!

  34. Gary Bower says

    Thanks Joe for sharing this info. I was blown away with the images you created with this setup. I have just setup my home studio in the garage and this is most certainly going to be a project to build… I appreciate the work you put in to create the videos…please keep up the great work. Best Regards from the UK….Gaz

  35. Czardent Lingad says

    i imitated your flourescent lights… terrifically good… thanks joe you are my idol…

  36. Mei April says

    Hi Joe, thank you so much for sharing. I have a question and really appreciate your help. I'm just wondering if this light setup works with full length portrait or a group shot? Do I need more power if I want to shoot more than just the face? What about green screen lighting using 4 lights setup, will it work?

  37. Artur Jeronimo says

    What kind of tissue is this? I will apreciate if you could help me.

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