Wedding Photography Tips We Need To Tell You Guys


Fellow wedding photographer Alvyn Maranan who has shot many weddings with me stopped by to help me make a top wedding tips video based on our personal experiences and knowledge!

Alvyn’s Website:

Alvyn’s Instagram:

SNAPCHAT: jessicakobeissi

  1. andrademeza says

    tip #1: don't do weddings.

  2. suzanx says

    When you send proofs to your clients, is it before or after you've already edited them? If before you edit, how do the client envision the photo will look like post-edit? Meaning, if the edit is supposed to be warm and contrast but the original is neutral. I'm an intermediate photographer and going to be doing my first wedding in September.

  3. itsjspence says

    Did you edit everything picture you take for the wedding? Or would you recommend that edited pictures can be an add-on purchase?e.g. 50 edited pictures for X amount or 100 edited pictures for X amount? Or just edit all pictures you give to your clients?

  4. itsjspence says

    Great tips. Extremely helpful. thanks.

  5. Jose Uribe says

    definitely know the tools of the trade. πŸ™‚

  6. HeyyKatyy says

    This really doesn’t have anything to do with the topic on the video, but does anybody ever notice she always seems to have her phone in her hand? I guess I just find it odd.

  7. Emily Dreeszen says

    What was the website he mentioned??

  8. Ebenezer Ayodele says

    Thanks for the tips! Can you show us what your wedding photography invoice looks like?

  9. India Ferguson says

    I enjoyed his tips but she would not STOP interrupting him. Is this video his tips or hers like???? Damn

  10. Kuan Gerry says

    30 per year is not a lot imo

  11. Kasia Ratajczak says

    hi Jessica, have you got any website for your wedding photography work? would love to see it! Thanks. And I love all your videos <3

  12. Who Shot The Photographer says

    Really great content guys, thank you! One thing I'd say is please maybe try to not speak over one another, as it just sounded like you guys were both trying to get a word in, and it comes across like you don't kind of value each other's input, and are just thinking about what to say next!

  13. Nadia's Music says

    Thank you so much for your tips! And you are both so cool))

  14. Rubie Lafountaine says

    We have the same phone case lol

  15. Bobbi Dickerson says

    what is the best lens to use during the ceremony. I have a Canon rebel t5i, but I don't want to keep changing lenses and possibly missing moments

  16. Judith Westbroek says

    Congrats on 100.000!!!! You totally deserve it! ❀️ #bestphotographeronyoutube πŸ™‚

  17. Aprofolis Greek says

    I first like your videos and than watch them <3

  18. Anya Martinez says

    Jessica you should do one for wedding event photography

  19. Tasnima Ahsan says

    These were great tips! I feel like these aren't only for weddings and it helps with other fields of photography as well so that's even better.

  20. J. Ervine says

    Is he Filipino?! That'd be very cool!

  21. The Yorkshire Guy says

    Some really good tips! I suggest, maybe you two could do a Q&A video

  22. Tim says

    Thankyou both for taking the time to share your top tips, I like to meet up with the bride & groom and just go through a number of images see what they are drawn to and tick of what the like, so it give me an idea what they are looking for.

  23. Lilly Beth Kestenbaum says

    thank you guys! Great and helpful tips! 😊

  24. kiki smith says

    i was just wondering what lenses to get as a beginner?? you probably get this question sooo much sorry… teh

  25. OX4SNYPA says

    Thanks for the tips! I'm aiming to take my Photography further and all i need is self-confidence because i always put myself down and think i'm not "good enough" etc. But these tips are great & helpful! Thanks πŸ™‚

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