How to Do Stop Motion Photography


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Hi, this is Jay P. Morgan. Today on The Slanted Lens we’ll be talking about Stop Motion photography with the master herself, Trisha Zemp. Trisha is a former student of mine, who used what I taught her in my business course to turn photography into a career. Watch our video for four tips for making your own Stop Motion video.

Check out Trisha’s site as well!

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  1. The Slanted Lens says

    Lots of you asked about it: The software used in this video is called Dragonframe

  2. anastassiya mamay says

    Which program ure using for stop motion?

  3. Bagetersive says

    insta accepts 1 minut of footage

  4. Rubbish Reads says

    I started my stop motion channel after watching this video, so thank you for all the help!

  5. Wow amazing video, like.

  6. Ravindra Waldiya says

    what is that extender called that is attached to tripod?-

  7. Graphic Fantasy says

    Very nice and usefully…I used some tactics

  8. Janice Grailmer says

    That's so impressive. Also, was that just a normal tripod that you guys used?

  9. Ady Almanza says

    Thank you so much for this tutorial!!!

  10. Kenneth Torres II says

    04:49 what software is being used to record the still photos with the watermark

  11. JOAQUIMKIMBO 1 says

    Amazing video I will learn more from you about photography video thank you so much appreciated it 👍📸📽

  12. Hello Toys Happy English says

    Thank yoU!

  13. JayJay Saiyot says

    Wow takes so much work to get that 1 second footage. I tried 8-10 FPS with my project It turned out not quite smooth. I guess 15-24 FPS is acceptable.

  14. Daniela Dundel says

    this is no classic stop motion anymore… shame

  15. Mohammed Ezaddin says


  16. Arasu P says

    Good Thanks for sharing

  17. Nevron says

    This is quite sad

  18. Daniel Easton says

    Super useful, thank you!

  19. Anshul Rai says

    Hi J P Morgan. You rich?

  20. Taylor Sanchez says

    I watched this tutorial and my husband and I made our baby announcement with your help! Thanks! Here's a link to see it.

  21. For You says

    watch this stop motion video…
    Thank you

  22. Gabriel Albert says

    Drsgonframe is anazzzzing

  23. Bhee Elounda says

    This is quite helpful! Thanks for sharing.

  24. Animated Brick Builders says

    Great tutorial. I’ve done a good majority of my stop motion videos backwards for the exact reason she mentions. Thanks for sharing the knowledge. Love that tripod you’re using. I need that!

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