Don't Stay in School

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What I learned in school vs. What I didn’t learn in school.
iTunes: | Bandcamp:
I can’t remember feeling so passionate whilst writing something in ages. I absolutely love a lot of the subjects I mention in this – astronomy, particle physics, pure maths… but I hate that everyone is forced to learn them. It should be a choice. There are a million other things wrong with education, but this one stood out as the most obvious and most insane.

The point of this song is to get people talking – if you share it, use #DontStayInSchool so we can all get involved in the conversation.

I wasn’t taught how to get a job
but I can remember dissecting a frog
I wasn’t taught how to pay tax
but I know loads about Shakespeare’s classics

I was never taught how to vote
they devoted that time to defining isotopes
I wasn’t taught how to look after my health
but mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell

Never spent a lesson on current events
instead I studied The Old American West
I was never taught what laws there are.
I was never taught what laws there are.

Let me repeat – I was not taught the laws for the country I live in,
but I know how Henry the VIII killed his women.
Divorced beheaded died, divorced beheaded survived
glad that’s in my head instead of financial advice

I was shown the wavelengths of different hues of light
but I was never taught my human rights
Apparently there’s 30, do you know them? I don’t
Why the hell can’t we both recite them by rote?!

I know igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks
Yet I don’t know squat about trading stocks
Or how money works at all – where does it come from?
Who controls it? How does the thing that motivates the world function?

not taught how to budget and disburse my earnings
I was too busy rehearsing cursive.
Didn’t learn how much it costs to raise a kid or what an affidavit is
but I spent days on what the quadratic equation is

negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared
minus 4ac over 2a
That’s insane, that’s absolutely insane.
They made me learn that over basic first aid

How to recognise the most deadly Mental disorders // or
diseases with preventable causes // How to buy a
house with a mortgage // if I could afford it
‘cause abstract maths was deemed more important

than advice that would literally save thousands of lives
but it’s cool, ‘cause now I could tell you if the number of unnecessary deaths caused by that choice was prime.

Never taught present day practical medicines,
but I was told what the ancient hippocratic method is
“I’ve got a headache, the pain is ceaseless
what should I take?” umm… maybe try some leeches?

“Could we discuss domestic abuse and get the facts
or how to help my depressed friend with their mental state?”
Ummm… no but learn mental maths
because “you won’t have a calculator with you every day!”

They say it’s not the kids, the parents are the problem
Then if you taught the kids to parent that’s the problem solved then!
All this advice about using a condom
but none for when you actually have a kid when you want one

I’m only fluent in this language, for serious?
The rest of the world speaks two, do you think I’m an idiot?
They chose the solar over the political system
So like a typical citizen now I don’t know what I’m voting on

which policies exist, or how to make them change
mais oui, je parle un peu de Francais
So at 18, I was expected to elect a representative
For a system I had never ever ever ever been presented with

But I won’t take it
I’ll tell everyone my childhood was wasted
I’ll share it everywhere how I was “educated”
And insist these pointless things
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Bart aka FantasyIH, Ema Simpson, Thomas Lloyd, Vincent Olsen, Ofer Mustigman, Sergey Khegay, Lance Thackeray.

  1. User Error says

    I ligit left school the day before this was released

  2. coppyscoopy says

    0:32 fuck he got us

  3. Angel Crisanto Olivera says

    I love this song

  4. Luke Daniel says

    Just copying prince Ea

  5. Sandy Lope says

    School taught me how to hold me pee.

  6. Frogwell says

    I do have a calculator everyday. It’s on my iPod

  7. Ellirocks12345 ROBLOX says

    They need a LIFE class in college discussing how to pay tax, raise a child, keep a spreadsheet and other things. I think that would be so useful. I get it brother, i get it.

  8. Cherry Stone says

    my school had an assembly for mental health looks like ima lucky

  9. TheMysticalPanda says

    Wtf are human rights

  10. Dorothy Greene says

    I’m 9 and I’m in 3rd grade and I agree

  11. general molestor says

    I learned how to cram

  12. Sexual Omlette says

    School sucked your parent's dry outta their money……..And yet they still think school is what's best for us.

  13. James Long says

    My High School had a day where we actually learned this stuff, a rare site indeed

  14. Jaxen Babia-Ramos says

    I'm doing a lesson on current events rn XD
    I have to present it in four days

  15. George Rabus says

    the world needs stupid people that knows to do only his job and nothing more

  16. beata 555 says

    on je iz Hrvatske

  17. Dan Gathercole says

    He’s got a point

  18. Toby Sda says

    In Canada we are taught those things and other life lessons

  19. RealJake2Cool says

    94% you learn in school is useless!

  20. NotsoSuperNova64 *__* says

    My friend who recently got started getting homeschooled is now a lot happier and learning a lot more about the world and useless shit

  21. Teresa Johnson says


  22. Piggie :3 says

    Im forced to stay in school tho otherwise I'll get the chancala..

  23. Tilly's how to draw stuff says


  24. Dzavit Seferi says

    School tought me to starve for 7 hours…….

  25. First Borne says

    This is why I homeschool lol

  26. Kakeru kun says

    Sexy Gril

  27. TheGrunty43 says

    School is a word.

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