DIY Outdoor Studio Photoshoot | How To Take Great Photos Wherever You Live


You don’t need to live in a big city or have a ton of gear + a private studio to have fun and create beautiful, professional images! I hope this behind the scenes tutorial brings you inspiration and encouragement for your next studio session. Remember: HAVE FUN WITH PHOTOGRAPHY! Invite your friends over, get some paper and get CREATIVE! Thank you Savage Universal for sponsoring this video and providing the paper + backdrop stand!

86” Paper in Tulip:
Pop-Up Backdrop Stand:

Their products are GREAT + super affordable. The 53” paper is what I use inside my apartment (linking some of those bts videos below) and is $29! So it’s a great price point for the quality you are getting. I cannot recommend them enough!more DIY studio sessions inside my kitchen:
pink backdrop:
in this video theres a bonus on planning a shoot:





thank you lily for modeling for me!
and aunaya for helping:


My Favorite Portrait lens:
My zoom lens (great for weddings):
My old camera (all videos before 2017):
My favorite beginner full-frame:
My favorite bringer portrait lens ($125!):
My camera backpack:
Camera organization insert:
My big travel camera backpack:
My tripod:
My tripod head:
SD Card:
FAVORITE External Hard Drive:
Ring light I use in videos:
Soft box lights I use in videos:

Music by ninjoi. – Dreamy [Thematic Exclusive] –

Instagram —
Twitter —
Snapchat — jesswhitwells

  1. Sofia Battaglia says

    these pictures could of been so cool, but i was sooo disappointed

  2. Yaacoub Kari says

    nice video👍

  3. Alvin Lipscomb says

    My opinion yes it is creative to use seamless paper outside using natural light. But as a final Images, I didn't prefer the images that included the rest of the environment the Grass and the woods. As a behind the scene images they work. I would have in editing eliminated everything except the pink backdrop and still be able to get full body photo of your model.
    Always try something new even with a paid client Just let them know it could turn out great or it could be awful. If it works its a win and if it didn't work do not show the client if its bad but say sorry and move on.

  4. LeapFrog says

    Great video. Love your energy 💞😁🙏

  5. Marcus Robledo says

    God your videos are addictive

  6. g says

    I’ve done something kind of similar- the paper was a backdrop though. She reminds me of hazel from bunkd. Hey, can I suggest something? Have an admin on your photography fb page who monitors the comments and stuff cuz I saw a lot of comments today that were awful toward people

  7. Kayde says

    I personally dont't like how you can see the stand, easy photoshop though.

  8. Daphne van Drenth says

    Soooo much fun this!

  9. Ankita Chakraborty says

    This was The Best !!! I loved how vlog in the scene behind is done.🤩🤩🤩

  10. DIRTBAGDOM says

    I have no idea why people dont do this especially when complaining theres no space in home/apartment for studio space

  11. PAOLA M says

    I love this video so much
    You always inspire me Jessica 💓

  12. Zrinko Maloseja says

    "the center for kids who cant read good and want to learn how to do other stuff good too"

  13. NicsPics Photography says

    Wish my camera would shoot quick like this on live view mode. Love this video ♡

  14. Tareyah says

    I love this shoot! The colors are so bold and cute. I have done a few shoots like this in my backyard. The very first time I tried to set up my backdrop stand and it was so windy that it fell over and broke a piece off. I was so upset because I had just gotten it. Since then I’ve instead just taped a piece of the seamless paper to the wall in the yard cause I’m so afraid the stand breaking more. It seemed to work out fine here (and for others I’ve seen do this) so I may try it again once I buy some sandbags. I really love studio shoots but I don’t have a studio at the moment. I love that you included some of the scenery in the photos and didn’t just use the backdrop only.

    I have the same brand backdrop stand (and I guess the same one?) I had no idea I was supposed to screw the top bar on, that’s probably why it fell over. 😩

  15. sillykhantvshow says

    THis is So KooL1

  16. Joey Trcka says

    Great video!

  17. Shirley Bliss says

    I love this one. I too recently bought a seamless paper backdrop in Emerald Green and setting them up on a stand made me feel like an adult! Thanks for bringing it to the outdoor… rad idea! 💕

  18. Noealz Photo says

    Always love your videos, especially when there is a dog involved: )

  19. Karina Red says

    Omg what a cool idea, definitely I’m gonna try it!!! , Love your videos 😍

  20. Dario K says

    17:04 "terterary" queen of speaking the english language

  21. Fruit Salad says

    Loved this video! I used the same exact backdrop in my latest video too. 🙂

  22. Randolph Cabuenas says

    Yey!!!another photoshoot!!!
    I hope you post videos everyweek

  23. josh klippel says

    Love your videos

  24. bngr bngr says

    Do you have a video using flash outside?

  25. mavfan1 says

    If you like that pink against the foliage check out the art installation in Miami in 1983 by Christo called “surrounded islands”. Massive pink “skirts” placed around islands off the coast of Miami.

  26. Jessameen says

    You KILLED this shoot. The styling the planning woooow I’m amazed!! Suuuch cute photos

  27. TS7 IS COMING says

    wow. i was about 10minutes on this video and i didn't noticed that i was so early.

  28. Bapu Madhu says

    I always thought I had fun photographing. After watching you’re video I’ve realized I don’t. At least not as much as u do lol!! Great video 👏🏽👏🏽

  29. Allison Olivia Moon says

    This is such a cute idea! I’m gonna try this on the beach!

  30. Ruby Zamudio says

    This is so cute!!! You were so helpful from beginning to end, always giving the best tips. Thank you Jessica!

  31. Savage Universal Corporation says

    Such a creative way to use seamless paper! Love it!

  32. Vincent Perry Jr says

    outdoor shoots with a backdrop are so dope. If you ever need someone to hold a camera or film b-roll in seattle for BTS would love to help.

  33. natalie copeland says

    i just got my savage paper roll in the color sand and i can’t wait to try this! 💛

  34. Sergey Tsybulsky says


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