Tumblies: Photo-camera, Puzzle and Get the Ball | Episode 24


The Tumblies is a preschool series about four delightfull characters. Each is made of seperate discs and before you know it, they fall apart which often leads to slapstick-like and playful encounters. The Tumblies are confronted with objects from the real world that they need to investigate and figure out how to play with. Enter the playful world of the Tumblies; it is all about fun, play, discovery and fantasy!

The Tumblies was commissioned by KRO Kindertijd in the Netherlands. Produced by il Luster, designed by Oscar® nominated directors Job, Joris and Marieke. The series was directed by Patrick Raats. Concept and scripts by Arnoud Rijken, Michiel Snijders and Ramon Verberne.

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In this episode:
– Photo-camera – The tumblies make funny pictures with a photo camera , faster and faster. it looks like animation!
– Puzzle – Pieces of a puzzle can fall like domino’s, but it is more fun to create the image especially when the image is of Tumblies.
– Get the ball – Yellow wants to play alone with his ball. The others start playing a peekaboo game so he loses interest in the ball. But than the others start playing with the ball.

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