EVERY PHOTOGRAPHER should be able to do these 17 THINGS in under 10 SECONDS


As a photographer you should be able to do ALL of these things in UNDER 10 seconds. Grab your camera and test yourself. Do you know how to change a lens in seconds or set up a tripod in seconds, how about creating rapper with a client or even being able to pitch yourself as a photographer. These are all import Photography tips for beginners. Learn this photography tips and you will learn how to become a professional photographer quickly. These are honest professional photography tips that will get you working faster and smarter on every photoshoot.

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The really is no joke. To bone a professional photographer or even just to make you photos better you should be able to quickly setup you camera equipment confidently and safely. This are great photography tips that will help you move quickly and become a better photographer. These are some great tips on how to start a photography business and how to be better on a photoshoot in general. professional photography tips and photo tips for beginners. These are not photography hacks just things you need to learn and spend time learning.

1. How to Change you battery FAST
2. How to Change a lens
3. Set the White Balance on your DSLR
4. Manual Focus
5. Change shooting mode
6. Switch out the memory card
6. Burst Mode
8. Setup a Tripod
9. Setup a reflector
10. Review Images FAST
11. In camera Histogram
12. Lens Hood
13. Oops I missed this one
14. Bag to shoot in seconds
15. Light Evaluation
16. Create a Connection
17. Your Photography Pitch

The best camera backpack EVER! –
My Main Camera –
My Vlogging Camera –
The Las Mic I Use –
On Camera Mic –
My Presets –
The Nikon lens that does magic –
Best wide angle lens –
The everything lens –
My Little drone –
Monopod –
The BEST Gimbal ever –

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  1. Photos In Color says

    Guys, what do you think? Anyone tested themselves? Are you able to do ALL of these things and have I missed anything. Let me know what you are thinking about all my new content are you enjoying it?

  2. tmacnuke says

    I would really appreciate if you would look at the camera instead of your que cards. I feel like you’re reading instead of teaching.

  3. ab bii says

    i lost y, when your 'thing' is change lens. what a waste

  4. Vladimir Vcelar says

    no. 18: bitch-slap uncle Bob

  5. Can somebody answer me this please.

    Is an aperture of (for example) f/2.8 on any 50 mm lens the same physical size/diameter, across the board? Or will one lens be different from another (i.e. circumference of one lens is 58 mm, another is 72 mm, etc…).

    I'm assuming the answer is no, and that the physical size of the aperture is actually different. So, in this case, does one lens allow more light and hence a faster exposure than another?

    And what about f/2.0 on say, my cell phone vs f/2.0 on my 50 mm lens. I'll assume there is a vast difference.

  6. DORIANXXX says

    Im proudly was the dislike number 1000

  7. Deepak Sharma says

    Amazing and unique content

  8. Tim Berghoff says

    Lots of good tips in here, especially for camera settings.
    However, there are a few thing where I personally disagree.

    For instance, I would strongly discourage people from trying learn to change lenses quickly. In this case I would go the „slow is smooth and smooth is fast“ route. Do it at your own pace…speed will come naturally later. It is also one thing to do this safely at home on the sofa, but a completely different thing on location, eg at a wedding or in the photo pit at a concert. Trying to set any sort of speed record will in all likelihood result in broken glass. There is no point in risking damage to a $2000 lens just in order to save a couple of seconds.

    Regarding chargers: I can see where you are coming from, and I agree that batteries should always be recharged asap. But then, on location you cannot count on having a wall outlet that you can use. And even if you do, there is still the risk of someone else nicking your expensive charger, especially when it is in any way publicly accessible. I would rather invest in a few extra batteries and have those on hand. Also takes up less space in your gear bag. The most I ever shot on one day was about 2500 frames (wedding) and I only had to grab a fresh battery pack at approx. 1900 frames. To be 100% on the safe side, just get double the amount of batteries that you think you need.

    This is just my personal opinion and your mileage will probably vary.

  9. Lil Mafi says

    You rule! Awesome tips

  10. Jimmy Bielkiewicz says

    Thank you for these tips and all your videos!!! My wife and I are learning huge amounts from you. THANK YOU!!!!

  11. Jerzy - SilverSetFilms says

    I was hoping he would do all those 17 things in 10 sec. So sloooooooow…

  12. Picsverge says

    Yea cool but trust me bro, you'll rise above this non sense once you become a professional.

  13. canturgan says

    An assistant? Who am I, Annie Leibowitz?

  14. Brandon Sallinger says

    This is damn good. I don't see any professionals questioning these.

  15. Marc McConnell says

    I know this is an old video and you were obviously trying to make content but no offense intended here – this video comes across as pretty pretentious and snobby…

    Lens changing? 10 seconds? Yeah no.. I am not going to simply toss my 70-200 f2.8 which weighs 1.5kgs under my forearm and do a dodgy change just so I can be "fast".. It takes one tool to walk by and accidentally bump you for that $2000+ lens to hit the floor..

    If you really need the speed for this kind of thing (eg. Weddings) – invest in another camera body and just pick that up if you need to instead..

    If you actually need to change your battery or memory card(s) in under 10 seconds you aren't planning very well… Change cards or battery when you know you have some extra time and you are running low / filling up the cards.. Though absolutely keep a spare battery and memory card on your person if you expect to be shooting a lot and for a long time..

  16. SaraSyn says

    Thank you ! ^^

  17. John Skiggs says

    1/ Best for me was to sit on the sofa and "develop-familiarity" with my two-identical Sony A77-1s 🙂 2/ All my cameras and tripods have the same shoe; so everything fits everything. I never take the shoes off either camera. and 3/ all lens-hoods are attached to the lens with cords. see eBay > Neewer 10 Pieces Lens Cap Keeper Holder 🙂

  18. Louise B says

    Great tips and reminders! Thank you!

  19. Phil Indeblanc says

    Good list Ed. Except for that bag….That is likely the worst camera bag you can get. Do yourself a favor and get a single latch with velcro support. I have gone through a number of bags over the years, and the more experience you have the more quick access you want. I can recommend a few, Vanguard makes some great ones, like the Uprise series. Ape makes good ones too. Many good brand, few good pro tested function first designs.
    Btw, You actually have some fun helpful content for lots of folks, yet your angry voice is really painful to hear.

  20. KayyBinn says

    Every photographer needs to be able to turn the camera on within 10 seconds.

  21. Samuel E.P. says

    I saw your videos, they are amazing 🙂
    Thank you for your tips.

  22. Oath Studios says

    Very Informative towards the Fresh into Photography and honestly i dont mind taking a few more seconds to do it right. But for the love of Lenses please get in the habit of putting your lens the other way around. all my focus was on worrying whether that petal hood would slip and cost you that lens.

  23. ragdolllibby says

    Have a business card on you that you can pull out and hand a potential customer right after they ask if you have one. No fumbling and never, ever be without one!!

  24. Aldariel says

    Wtf some people are such dicks. Don't let these haters put you down.

  25. Paul Coughlan says

    I like your flubs, makes you authentic. The negative comments are hilarious, lots of uptight angry photographers in the world.

  26. Patrick Montgomery says

    I always thought that shooting in manual mode is only useful for getting identical exposure settings *for several shots*. The light meter in the camera is the same if you're using A, S or M modes and all you'll ever do in M is twiddle your dial until you get the blip in the middle or to the exposure compensation you think you want – exactly the same concept as with setting +/- using A or S mode. Learning to use an incident light meter or getting a grey card substitute reading in 10 secs is a better tip IMHO.

  27. dallatorretdu says

    I don't even know how to use a reflector

  28. lordoftheflings says

    why? whats the point of this? Why do these things have to be done in under 10 seconds? Whats the goddamn hurry?

  29. Praveen Bhardwaj says

    1. Learn how to change battery? Or maybe Use a grip instead and larger mAh battery you'll never need to change.

    2. Change lens in 10 seconds. Or just carry 2 bodies. 😂

    Go home budyy these aren't for a professional photographer. We don't wait for all this.

  30. xWood4000 says

    That echo is terrible.


    I LOVE IT !!!!!!!!

  32. deviantdutch says

    I think this video is for retards

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