3 Mistakes All Beginner Photographers Make


In this video, we’ll talk about three mistakes almost all beginner photographers make and what you can do to fix it.



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  1. sachin s says

    Harsh day light sun, I used your tip.

  2. Barellie Thompson says

    @its_buhrellee on Instagram. Thanks for the tips ✨

  3. Ellis_Island2411 says

    I love your videos! I learn so much just from watching you guys. I'm in college now for photography and I have greatly improved my photography skills from watching you guys, you're amazing!

  4. Mazin says

    Thanks for the great tips.
    Insta: @mazin.elbadri

  5. Melanie Leland says

    Super helpful! Insta is melanieleland41

  6. Bobby Jett says

    This video was JIMMY JIMMY JAMJAM!

  7. Lea Garcia says


  8. Brandon Smith says

    Awesome video !! Love your style! @smithb_

  9. Terry-ann Gray says

    New subby.. HEEEYYYY! Learning so much here! POW! SO Needed! > @within_theframe instagram

  10. Le Seynt says

    I love these tips. Thank you 😊

  11. Tor Hawley says

    @torhawleycreative THANK YOU

  12. Juan t Garzón. says


  13. Juan t Garzón. says

    Allwais enjoy,

  14. Kieron Obee says

    Thanks for some great tips! @kieroninfocus

  15. Tony Petrovik says

    I love this channel, just found you through your collab with Peter McKinnon and wow, the lessons about exposing for the brightest parts and editing in post and all of you videos about portraits for non-models are amazing! Will be watching a whole lot more of your videos! @Tony.Gorin

  16. Thymen van Scheppingen says

    “If you’re shooting a couple, find ways to exploit their love for each other” no context needed

  17. the24hourlayover says

    Great tips!

  18. sean dodson says

    thanks guys! your videos are so helpful. @ottothedog9 is my insta, I would love some advice on my shots!

  19. Ọlájídé Ayẹni says

    Love you guys work. Been following for a while, but I finally just subscribed. I'll be shooting a one or two ofy friends' weddings and I really needed the no 2 tip. Thanks. You can also check out my work on instagram.com/jide_yeni

  20. Alexis Garrison says

    y'all are amazing and hilarious. I love these.

  21. Tinah Marzuki says


  22. Mihir Mishra says

    Anyone knows what those dolls are called??

  23. g says

    K, I love the idea of making a couple dance.

  24. ahowarda says

    IG: ahowarda

  25. Kai S says

    I miss those types of videos.. You have a lot to bring to the table, keep brain storming guys! If you noticed, these types of videos have more views than anything else.

  26. Awesome tips. @keyes_outdoorsllc

  27. SweetTeaGeekn says

    Anyone know the font used in the thumbnail?

  28. Maria Desir says

    Thanks guys!

  29. YoTristo says

    @tristonsturgis is meeeeee (on IG). i need help. idk what to do with my editing and i feel as though i lack creativity in my photos. Thanks for this video for sure!

  30. Danny Ndungu says

    So good! Coming back to this again for reference. Mango Street rocks!

  31. Brandon Shoots says


  32. Charlotte Guest says

    How do you set the focus on Lightroom?

  33. Breathe Beloved says

    I adore your style of tutorial, Mango Street! Thank you!! If you're inclined to check me out, or share any thoughts, I'm at @BreatheBeloved on insta.

  34. Jamie Fortune says

    Oh MY WORD! First tip is magical! From here I think I'll just have to watch all your videos. Boom! I already hard crushing on this channel. Okay now….I'm a year behind now….better get watching (aka learning)

  35. nicu ivan says

    so refreshing to not have youtubers talk about gear, thank you for the great vids!

  36. Mr_ AoB_ says

    basketball videographer and editor, but starting to take a much bigger interest in photography. Insightful channel, keep it up – I'm learning a ton. @mr_AoB_

  37. Anurag Singh says

    jimmy jimmy jam jam.. F&^%, that cracked me up big time

  38. Maria Stefina says

    Accidentally bumped into this video but watched 15 from your channel already. You guys are great! straight to the point, great sense of humour and no bla bla about the obvious. <3

  39. Alberto Mata says

    Loved it!

    Great video guys @albertoajayimata

  40. Halle Caldwell says


  41. Kelly Loo says

    I got an ad for an online photography course…

  42. Robert Rosa III says

    Such a dope, detailed, and informative video! I really appreciate this one! 🙌🏼🙏🤙📸

  43. Nay Win Maung says

    thank you for the video , it helps so much

  44. Brians POV says

    Thanks a lot 🙂

  45. Cheeky Ifa says

    such a great quality free content ,i'll pay 4 it if i could

  46. WOLF DICE says

    My most recent posts have all of these flaws

  47. Serina Helene Ljung says

    I used the hair sniffing trick on THE most awkward couple that ever wed. It worked wonders 👌

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