Review: Wacom Intuos 2015 tablet: Draw Art Photo Comic

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This video review is for the Wacom Intuos that was released in Sep 2015. For updates to this review, visit the text review above.

You can get the tablet from Wacom’s online store, or from Amazon USA & UK (affiliate links below):

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  1. Yashmeet Singh says

    now that's a real detailed review 👍nice work, you just need to improve your english a little bit

  2. Sebastian Batista says

    What's the name of that program?

  3. Finnybin animates says

    The flap is for holding you pen

  4. lesley van schalkwyk says

    you can draw with three fingers

  5. christy saha says

    Please reply soon ….Can I use it for 3ds max as well as Photoshop?????

  6. Gigel says

    E vreun roman pe aici?

  7. Urdu Slice HD says

    Will it work for ZBrush sculpting?

  8. Panda Bear says

    Do you make a giveaway or something? 😍

  9. Panda Bear says

    I want one of them 😍

  10. Doharrt says

    It comes with a CD right?? I dont have a computer that works with a CD.. what can I do? Also can I install paint tool SAI to use it??? please answer these quastions 🙂

  11. sherng bin tan says

    can it be used with surface 2

  12. Pink Lion says


  13. Grace grapes says

    You've opened my eyes

  14. Svenn Seven says

    Were the prices for the tablet or the software?

  15. Janna Sigua says

    Thanks for this! Very helpful and ive decided to get the Art one

  16. Otakughost 181 says

    Does it run well on paintool sai and Adobe Animation?

  17. Reem Elwy says

    which better…….. wacom intous drow 6 or Huion 1060PLUS

  18. Sa lwa says

    thank you!

  19. nikolamar says

    I bought the Intuos Comic, it's really good!

  20. Little Potato says

    Hello! This has been a great help, I was wondering.. Since I have a bad habit of letting my hand slide over the paper when I'm drawing (the side of my hand). Would that effect the touch?

  21. RazzleDazzle says

    Mine doesn't have the touch switch, so is there a way I can turn on touch? I lost my pen

  22. CLUBY918 owo says

    You should make your Voice more Asian

  23. 2sure says

    will it be good for drawing detail art??

  24. Nicøle Steele says

    does it come with a battery??

  25. MTG Guilds says

    I hate multi-touch, most digital artists I know have told me they don't use it, and neither do I. It allows you to zoom and rotate your art work in the program. However you can just zoom in on your key board short cut and sometimes multi-touch messes you up when your drawing.

  26. Dileej Dilu says

    In wacom's site they given the pressure sensitivity is 2048 (which changed from 1024)
    Yesterday i purchased the new one of wacom art, how can i find ma Wacom version is the latest one. There is no clue for pressure sensitivity in package.
    Please help me sir!

  27. Airbound says

    but can it perform well in osu?

  28. Class of everything says

    is it only for drawing purpose or can i use it while explaining my power point presentation as well?

  29. Cris Garcia says

    Do you know how to turn on the touch feature? It says that with a switch but I can't find it

  30. shkooshky says

    Thank you for your time.

  31. Shikaido YT says

    for osu

  32. reiniitz says

    do you know if you can use the ctl480 pen on the 490?

  33. Laurelle Sheng says

    you can use the flap to store the pen

  34. michaela says

    if i have a pc which you know, is plugged in as is quite old.. would this be a better option or an ipad with the software in it itself

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