Learn Photography – Shutter Speed Tutorial!


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Shutter Speed is the most important thing to understand in photography while using DSLR . Aperture, ISO are important but Shutter Speed is most essential to understand. In this video I talk about Shutter Speed and explain you how to use it to capture photos in which you can freeze the motion and also how to capture car, star trails.

Many more Photography tutorials are going to be uploaded soon.
Stay tuned to my channel for more such videos.

Thanks for watching.

I hope you have enjoyed the video and by now understood what Shutter speed is and its role in Photography. If you have any queries you can ask them in the comments below.

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  1. Saurav Sinha says

    Happy world Photography day guys! Thanks a ton for the amazing support. I hope I can create better content for you guys. Sayonara šŸ™‚

  2. Cristiano says

    Thank you man! U helped me a lot! Love your video! šŸ¤—

  3. Ravie Gupta's Photography says

    please subscribe my channel & i will do the same in back. thanks alot

  4. Tarun Photography says

    Bouncer jaa rha hai bhai mere.
    Practical karke dikha

  5. RB Tubz Bangla says

    What a tutorial brother!!!
    Learnt lots of things. Thank you!

  6. Travel Here says

    The best explanation of shutter speed that I have seen so far

  7. Dareo600 Games says

    Great videos. Great explanations.

  8. Kamal Nayan says

    Did u used 30s sutter speed for the last picšŸ¤”…But why not 1/4000s šŸ¤”

  9. Abdul Qayyum says

    Hay… Saurav Good Luck Carry on Dear……………………………..

  10. Ohin Haque says

    I got this thanks man

  11. Avram Piratul G&M says

    Exposure time ,tells the shutter speed?

  12. MS PRODUCTION says

    Is there any app for shutter button bcz I have not that facility in my mobile camera

  13. hazni sharaf says

    which camera you using

  14. jm says

    Thanks for the indepth explanation! I have learned a lot from your video than anyone else. You surely understand the type of audience that watches this. Unlike other video I watched all they did is explain without proper example! Thumbs up!

  15. Abraham Garcia Alvarez says

    Hi Saurav great video thanks for the information. What would I need to use a fast shutter speed with low light? and actually get a good and neat picture.

    I'm new at this and I've been struggling taking sports pictures at night the only thing that helps me with light is taking my ISO at the highest but my picture gets all noisie and moved, I don't know if it is a matter of getting a better lens I have a 16-50mm and a 55- 210mm working with a Sony a6000.

    Hope you can answer thank you.

  16. Aseervatham Albert says

    Man, this guy is a great Teacher.

  17. vishwanath hiremath says

    Very good tutorial.. Simple teaching, great learning.. Tq

  18. subhradip bhattacharjee says

    @Sourav excellent video indeed but can you tell me what was the iso and aperture in your last image?

  19. Ujprom says

    Saurav, not just the skill of photography but also the art of explaining associated technicalities is amazingly abundant in you. Pray you have all the success you deserve. Much appreciated, kudos!


    make video on final touch using adobe photoshop and is it ok if i take pictures in jpeg quality? @saurav

  21. PAVAN K GIREESH says

    hii saurav..can i take photos of car trails with my smartphone?? pls rply

  22. Alex Tananikas says

    You are amazing at what you do, thank you for those great videos and keep up the good work! ^_^

  23. R Kumar says

    How to clean sensor manually?
    Lens cleaning too


    sir,plz tell me what is the best dslr for biginners,

  25. Vikas Singh Bahamania says

    Unable to Process the Card Payment by my Debit Card. Is there Any Other Way to Pay The Amount.

  26. deckpheno says

    Hey man your videos are amazing so is your insta profile.. I want to know how to have exposure for one and a half hours?

  27. Arunvishal's Thoughts says

    Post camera settings while taking. Photos

  28. Godspeed says

    Best channel on youtube for photography….no bullshit straight to the point

  29. Sumiron Lumphui says

    Great bro


    sony dsc h300 is its good camera for vloggers


    iĀ likeĀ yourĀ EnglishĀ speakingĀ .Ā doĀ youĀ teachĀ EnglishĀ speakingĀ also.Ā makeĀ someĀ videosĀ onĀ it.

  32. doh B says

    Man I can't believe I can watch all these quality videos for free! This is so much better than most offline photography classes. God bless you!

  33. Saeed Ep says

    Dear Sourav guy,I really appreciate your work, because you are explaining all the things about what you are saying.and also show perfect examples.great dear.,šŸ˜

  34. Sabarish R says

    How to shoot that star exposure for 1 nd half hour ,my camera have 30 seconds in the option

  35. Yogita Dhairyawan Kamat says

    How to adjust the shutter speed on a Canon EOS 700D

  36. Not Today says

    how do we avoid blur when the shutter speed is slow(higher value) ?

  37. Lines 3d says

    Hii saurav your explanation in really easy to understand compare to others thanks and keep making such videos

  38. Dan Evetts says

    best part is when he tells us how fractions work like im a 5 year old

  39. Shiva Ram Krishna says

    Brother ur videos are best , i spent 10k to learn photography but ur videos are more worth and free of cost . Thanks and keep it up.

  40. Gaurang Dhanotia says

    Amazing Explanation šŸ‘

  41. Views Of Punjab HD Channel says

    Thanks alot, very helpful tutorial

  42. Dzamari Alfredpukuma says

    Thank you boss

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