How to capture birds in flight – Wildlife Photography Tutorial


Flying Bird Photography Techniques. Capture amazing images of birds in flight using these simple and effective techniques. Watch the video now to see how to photograph flying birds.

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Wildlife photography is an extremely popular and photographing birds in flight is one of the most challenging and rewarding shots to capture in all of photography especially when there is often no second chance.

In this video we going have a look at:

The gear you will need
Discuss the settings that will produce the most consistent results
Go through a couple of techniques for actually shooting the shot.


Any modern DSLR will be good enough for capturing birds in flight. Many photographers talk about the extra reach a cropped sensor camera gives but I really would not worry about this. This is not the limiting factor in capturing great shots. It is much better to choose a camera with  great auto focus system.
A good long lens is a must for wildlife photography. These lenses can get expensive but the combination of length, quality and auto focus speed are what really matter. Cheaper kit style long lenses like a Cnon 70-300 often just will not focus quickly enough to capture a bird in flight no matter what camera you put it on.

Something like the Canon 400mm f5.6L is ideal and won’t break the bank entirely. Check out my review of this here –

IS is not massively important because we use such a fast shutter speed that will freeze the action but a lens with lateral IS can really help tracking your subject.
You may also want a tripod or mono pod to assist if your gear starts to get heavy.


Once you have the gear we need to think about the settings we’re going to use.

The first thing to set is the Focus mode.
Continuous auto focus is where you need to be. They have different names on different cameras but it want Ai servo on a Canon or afc on nikon. Where one shot focus locks in on the subject this will continue to adjust focus every time the subject moves in relation to your camera. This is what you want when tracking the bird.

You will need to keep the bird over your focus point. I use the centre focus point but this is personal taste. If your camera supports it, try using the five centre focus points or just try it on auto.

Next is our main camera mode. You can use shutter priority mode but we should start as we mean to go on so flick the camera into manual. This may sound scary but once you have practiced a bit the settings are simple and make a lot of sense.
Firstly shutter speed should be set at least 1/1000 second. This will ensure the bird is frozen and sharp. You can increase your chances of getting a sharp shot by stopping down to increase your depth of field. Use around f/7.1 or f/8 if lighting conditions are reasonable. You then need to use ISO to balance your exposure depending on your light. Many long lenses have max apertures ranging from f/4 to f/6.3 so you can expect to be using ISO settings of up to ISO 1250, especially if you stop down. To keep your image clean I would resist going beyond 1250.


I am a big fan of hand-holding and it’s where I get the most positive results. It is also why I love the 400mm f5.6L because it’s not too heavy and I can handhold it all day meaning I can more mobile. The technique I use is to plant my feet and then twist at the hips. See the video.

So that’s the basics, and probably the easy bit. You then need to go out and start finding our feathered friends. They are not always too keen to fly nicely in front of your lens so when the opportunity comes, don’t miss.

  1. Justin Gates says

    The cover for. The camera lens that's just a coat right

  2. glanea kirby says

    Thanks a lot your tutorial was helpful.

  3. richard gold says

    Adam, No comments about zooming 'out' initially to find the birds in your viewfinder and then zooming in to isolate them for the photo.

  4. Itz Gaming Wolf says

    No hate, but all I hear is mumbling

  5. Hermann Josef Schlünder says

    Many thanks for your video

  6. dfg297lpopdirk says

    i have the nikon nikkor 55 to 300 vr whats your opinion

  7. Sawdust is Life says

    Going out to shoot bald eagles in the snow today.

  8. Devam Bhatnagar says

    Sir nicetips

  9. Andy Nesbitt says

    Hi Adam! Have you experimented with auto iso? Just curious on your thoughts with it. I’ve been shooting with auto iso and have had great results, especially with tracking birds as they fly between sunny skies and dark backgrounds such a hills and forests.
    Great videos brotha! Cheers!

  10. M Vlog0342 says

    really helpful for methanks a lot

  11. My training videos says

    I didn't hear you talk about focus points. I find these the most confusing thing, can you comment? I have a Canon 7D2 and there are about 12 options. Many thanks

  12. Rajesh says

    What's the lens your holding. I mean details

  13. Natural World Chew says

    Good work

  14. BirdysViews says

    What meter mode do you use ?

  15. Marki Alright says

    Youre totally different without bonet hahaha

  16. Rick Maassen says

    I'm currently bench-watching your videos and it's amazing!

  17. MediterraneanBlood says

    I usually set speed and aperture and I leave iso automatic.

  18. Sathyameva Jayathe says

    Wow wow &wow ! Thanks a lot for the tips !!!👍

  19. Don's travels and rants DON says

    Very well explained Adam.

  20. Steven Torrey says

    Thanks. Do you ever worry about getting in the way of the sun which can damage the camera. (I ask that, where I photograph herons, they are almost between the morning sun and the photographer and inevitably fly past the morning sun.)

  21. Bill Friggle says

    Good video for the most part. No offense. But your tripod is pathetic. Invest in a better one. And don't raisev the center post unless you totally need to. They are very unstable. You are better off hand holding it than using that tripod.

  22. XSynthesizer X says

    Please suggest me jobs based on wildlifephotography…. I am a high school student

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