1. Joseph Lee says

    I LOVE this guy's work, but in this shoot, he was focusing so slowly, missing some key moments. But really good vibe, liked the way he works with his clients.

  2. Anthony Sforza says

    Totally random question and I know I'm six years too late in asking this, however, with all the new "Copyright" circus here on YouTube, have you been striked on this? I ask as I was thinking about having a channel that shows me doing shoots, with some music going on in the background (For obvious reasons on a photo shoot) and I didn't want to lose the channel because of it. I was wondering if that's looked at differently than perhaps soundtracking it.

  3. David Mwangi says

    Hi Jared.
    Love your work. was wondering what size is the seamless paper backdrop your using. thanks.

  4. Mark Harris says

    I notice you looked at the camera screen with the band, may I ask why you don't work tethered to a larger screen?

  5. Joshua Greene says

    how did you get access to such a big place?

  6. Aaron Johnson says

    What Kind of Lens did you use?

  7. Anime Prince says

    How much did you get paid?

  8. Echo Zinsmeyer says

    What are you settings on the camera, I love the dark look and them lit up!!!

  9. Irfan N says


  10. asanmartinjr07 says

    Funny!  Great images, too! 

  11. DopeDo says

    Pretty much watched all your videos in 2 days and your college talk buuuut

  12. Ocinematique says

    What kind of background is it? Vinyl?

  13. touyer lor says

    the guy in the dreads is so awkard.. lol

  14. Sytoren Studios says

    +Alex Streinu if you knew anything about +Jared Polin you'd know you would know he is all about letting things happen and unfold naturally because he doesn't want things to look staged…. I mean seriously this man who are you to tell him he is doing something wrong. He is an artist and pursues his art his own way.

  15. studentrmit says

    Walt is a madcunt

  16. Ali Sharifi says

    Where is final picture then?

  17. Tony Escareno says

    Thumbs up for Personal Jesus in the background

  18. kellyakakells says

    thanks man.

  19. Andrew Claycomb says

    It's called seamless paper, you should be able to get it from your local photography shop.

  20. lightmanfilms says

    Jared: Oh, i just woke up. Wheres is the electricity plug to stick my fingers? I can't be bother to combing my my hair… lol We love you Jarred. Just a joke. A bit of humor is good in the world today. Great videos, keep up the good work and your funky style. Coolest photographer i have ever seen 😉

  21. Daniel Reaume says

    please make more videos like this

  22. Joe Purvis says

    Thanks a lot man! Learning a ton from you.

  23. JAY THAN says

    Great seeing u work in action….pls show more…

  24. sexnode says

    If any wants medium shots or head shots taken for their careers please inbox me for more questions check out my photography promo video and mission statement on my page

  25. kellyakakells says

    Does anyone know the name of that backdrop? I need one just like that. Thanks

  26. Anthony Perez says

    Jared, what you do after when your editing to the out outside to the picture where you got the wall behind and you went out side the background? Please reply when ever you get a chance?

  27. Highaudio phidelity says

    i order a pizza.. cause i eat two pices… and he eats 6… *pause* "its a fat joke"

  28. TheQAnswer says

    Love your technicality in some of you're answers 🙂 haha

  29. Paolo Infante says

    why use a 70-200 when you can use a 24-70?

  30. Frodo Baggins says

    watching this felt a little painful, as if it wasn't your day and you were just shooting without heart.

    sorry Jared, love your other videos! 😉

  31. erazrock says

    OMG Jared! You are SO HOT!

  32. harper222 says

    You're awesome Jared. but,"you're"**

  33. pianomansas says

    Jared, what kind of backdrop is that? Is it seamless paper?

  34. Smee2000 says

    I saw the final shots, meh – many look out of focus and the group shots highlights are way overblown on the middle guy. Individual shots are ok, the guitarist ones are great.

  35. Pioneer says

    He it just a hotshot who got some rich parents to pay for his studio.

  36. ami says

    Hey there, are you familiar with "photo SFX art" (just search on Google for it …)? On their website you will find a good free video featuring how you can take amazing photos. This made it easier for Matt to create pictures which have a wow-effect when you take a look at them. Hopefully it will help you too.

  37. Lachlan Murnaghan says

    Are the yellow strobes contentious ? and what stands are they on ? And inyour studios do you ever make your own rigs or ect?

  38. b1gman11 says

    they have really big feet lol

  39. Rick Grommon says

    I would kill for a Frotoshoot.

  40. eddyla00 says

    i do sometimes watch your video, but…..this one…..you're not doing this for living right? coz doesn't look like you're good at it.

  41. AJ Govind says

    I cant stand dirty backgrounds, I ask people to wipe their shoes 😛

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