41 Top Rare Cool Vintage Celebrity Wedding Photos


41 Top Rare Cool Vintage Celebrity Wedding Photos

1. Mary Pickford, 1920
2. Natalie Talmage and Buster Keaton, 1921
3. Wallis Simpson and Edward, Prince of Wales, 1937
4. Nat King Cole and Maria Hawkins Ellington, 1948
5. Elizabeth Taylor and Conrad Hilton, 1950
6. Ava Gardner and Frank Sinatra, 1951
7. Elizabeth Taylor and MIchael Wilding, 1952
8. Brigitte Bardot and Roger Vadim, 1952
9. Jacqueline Bouvier and John F. Kennedy, 1953
10. Audrey Hepburn and Mel Ferrer, 1954
11. Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier of Monaco, 1956
12. Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher, 1956
13. Robert Wagner and Natalie Wood, 1957
14. Sammy Davis Jr. and May Britt, 1960
15. Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, 1964
16. Jane Fonda and Roger Vadim, 1965
17. Mia Farrow and Frank Sinatra, 1966
18. George Harrison and Patti Boyd, 1966
19. Angela King and Eric Burdon, 1967
20. Liza Minnelli and Peter Allen, 1967
21. Priscilla Beaulieu and Elvis Presley, 1967
22. Audrey Hepburn and Andrea Dotti, 1969
23. Cilla Black and Bobby Willis, 1969
24. John Lennon and Yoko Ono, 1969
25. Lulu and Maurice Gibb, 1969
26. Russ Meyer and Edy Williams, 1970
27. Mick Jagger and Bianca Jagger, 1971
28. Faye Dunaway and Peter Wolf, 1974
29. Becky Collins, 1971
30. Julio Iglesias and Isabel Preysler, 1971
31. Firefly and Mike Taylor, 1972
32. Nerys Hughes and Patrick Turley, 1972
33. Chris Squire and Nikki James, 1972
34. Lindsey Rudland and Andrew Clewer, 1973
35. John Peel and Shelagh Gilhooly, 1974
36. Diana Darvey and Terry Gittings, 1975
37. Lorna Luft and Jake Hooker, 1977
38. Aretha Franklin and Glynn Turman, 1978
39. Alana Hamilton and Rod Stewart, 1979
40. Princess Diana and Prince Charles, 1981
41. Renata Blauel and Elton John, 1984

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  1. 765respect says

    That Flower Girl at 4:03! Absolutely adorable! Hugging her daddy's leg, little showstopper. I hope she had a wonderful life, cutie pie.

  2. Mahri Beneda says

    The shot of those picture are in the very bad angle make every body look very short .and they go so fast or missing the picture or comment.

  3. Chisty A says

    I was going to comment that I've never heard of most of these people, but somebody beat me to it… So I'll just add, Elton John married a WOMAN???!!!!

  4. judy valencia says

    I never heard of some of these people.

  5. Cyd Kriletich says

    I’m guessing a lot of these couple were Brits. ?? Also, who in the world is Betsy Collins and who was she marrying?!

  6. Jen Branker says

    All of these marriages ended badly. I believe a few in death. Kennedy, John Lennon, Princess Grace, Liz Taylor and Mike Todd, and Natalie Wood, RJ Wagner.

  7. Carol Diehl says

    I've always thought Pricilia Presley looked pregnant at her wedding to Elvis.

  8. anywaythewindblows 89 says

    Gross…Yoko Ono

  9. bojack40 says

    Who on earth is Becky turner?

  10. Kate Smithera says

    Cool stuff

  11. Ivy Sultan says

    Damn, Elizabeth Taylor got married several times. Me?? Not even once. 😂 😢

  12. edronc2007 says

    He wasn't the Prince of Wales anymore, he was the Duke of Windsor. I didn't watch it any further after that.

  13. goosey mcgooseface says

    I always thought Pricilla Presley looked like a floozy.

  14. Sandra norman says

    Grace Kelly is DA BOMB

  15. Hielda Magalhaes says

    She is hat she's beautiful

  16. Wendy Combe says

    Women were so beautiful back in the day too much plastic surgery nowadays

  17. Bowhead Laura Official says

    What the hell was Mary Pickford wearing? It looks like she forgot to put on her dress.

  18. Graham Palmer says

    Plenty if repeat offenders in here.
    Diana & Charles the only ones looking away from each other – wasn't that portentous!

  19. Giraffa Savana says


  20. Ildiko Kiraly says

    Nice collection. .now everyone can see. .Elizabeth Taylor was a celeb,hook…and I was looking for JFK,ugly wife 's..next husband foto..opps,the big american,idol,first,lady,soon,enough married to grandfather,ugly,as,she..but,billionaire. .-Greek old guy

  21. Betty Tucker says

    Who cares. Not interested. Half of them are dead has-beens I didn't even know who they were. Thier nothing special or Better than anyone else

  22. Carmela Vozza says

    Bellissimo filmato.👍
    Il più bell'abito da sposa , resta sempre quello di Lady Diana…❤

  23. Lois Baldwin says

    i don't recognize half the names of these celebrities!

  24. franz grabe says

    Brilliant collection……. my gosh some dresses let the wearer down!

  25. Pia Rademacher says

    # 8 Your photo shows Brigitte Bardot next to her father, not Roger Vadim.

  26. cydneylola123 says

    41 pictures shame the photos didnt show the dresses properly.

  27. LINDA R says

    Audrey Hepburn is the ONLY lady who could wear a scarf and look stunningly beautiful on her wedding day.

  28. Joyce Schotsborg says

    Elton John was married to a woman before????

  29. Cest Qui says

    The picture of Brigitte Bardot is from her wedding to Roger Vadim but it's her father walking her down the aisle at 1:10 Vadim was 24 and Bardot 18 when they married. You can see what Vadim looks like 13 years later at his marriage to Jane Fonda at 2:06.

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