Top 5 Best 360 Degree Camera for 360 video and 360 Photo

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Top 5 Best 360 Camera that Capture Awesome 360 Degree Video and Photo

5. Luna 360 Camera

4. 360Fly Camera –

360fly 4K – The 360fly 4K combines a powerful 16-megapixel image sensor with innovative smart camera features—First-Person POV, Triggered Recording Modes, Time-Lapse Mode and more—that redefine what an action camera is and does.
360-degree video camera. 360fly 4K combines powerful sensors and features – accelerometer, GPS, ecompass and smart device integration – with a 2880 x 2880 pixel resolution.Captures interactive 360-degree video, First-Person POV and stills you can edit, add effects to, and share directly from your iPhone and Android smartphone. Compatible with most iPhone / iPad devices running iOS 9 or later and Android devices running version 4.4 or later including the Samsung S6, Samsung Galaxy Note and LG Nexus 5 Accessories available for purchase.

3. Bubl 360 Degree Camera

2. Panono Panoramic Ball Camera

1. Sphericam 2 – the 360º Video Camera for VR, Oculus, Google Cardboard, Gear VR

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1 Comment
  1. Carlos Esparza says

    I see your 360 video Luna camera , and I think …. you guys have to work on it…. the image is very bad

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