Sarah's Senior Pictures Graduation Portraits


I’ve been shooting senior pictures in Austin for over 15 years. And over time, I’ve had more parents and students and college graduates realize that their next big step in life includes more than just one major accomplishment. Graduating from college is just as special as transitioning from high school. In fact, I’ve had former senior portraits clients returning to my studio for their college graduation pictures.

When Sarah came to me for her graduation senior portraits from St. Edward’s University, I was more than thrilled. I was already familiar with the beautiful campus grounds and historic buildings. Why? Because I’m an alumni from the same school. In fact, St. Edward’s is where I received my degree in Photography. So of course, I was experiencing some major flashbacks.

Graduating from college is just as special as transitioning from high school.
Aside from all of the fond memories of being back on campus, the best part about it was doing Sarah’s pictures. In a way, it made me look at my former school with a new pair of eyes. We both knew all of the best places around the grounds for her photos.

But I think what I’m really getting at here is this… every major step in life deserves to be documented. Graduating from college is just as big an accomplishment as graduating from high school. For some people, it can even be a bigger deal if they’re the first ones in their family to do so.

Either way, it makes me feel special to know that my clients appreciate what I’m doing for them. When they hire me to record their achievements in life, it’s extremely fulfilling.

And most importantly, she did an incredible job.

Thank you so much Sarah for allowing me to photograph this next big step in your life. And congratulations to what comes after!


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All images copyrighted: © Dustin Meyer Photography, 2017

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